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What are the rights and responsibilities of both workers and employers?

What are the rights and responsibilities of both workers and employers?

the right to be consulted about safety in the workplace. the right to workers compensation. the right to a fair and just workplace. the right to fair pay and conditions.

What are my responsibilities as an employee?

Your most important responsibilities as an employee are: to take reasonable care of your own health and safety. to take reasonable care not to put other people – fellow employees and members of the public – at risk by what you do or don’t do in the course of your work.

What are some rights and responsibilities of employees?

As a worker, it is your responsibility to: Follow all lawful employer safety and health rules and regulations, and wear or use required protective equipment while working. Report hazardous conditions to the employer. Report any job-related injury or illness to the employer, and seek treatment promptly.

Why it is important that all workers Recognise the limits of their own expertise and legal duties and what should they do if a situation is beyond their limits?

Knowing the expertise will help them to realize their strengths and weaknesses. This will help the workers to perform more effectively and efficiently.

What are the responsibilities of workers?

Worker responsibilities

  • Protect your own health and safety. All workers are responsible for protecting their own health and safety at work.
  • Do not place others at risk. It is also your responsibility to not place others at risk:
  • Treat others with respect.
  • Reporting safety concerns.
  • Further information.

What are the WHS responsibilities of a worker in the workplace?

While at work a worker must: take reasonable care for their own health and safety. take reasonable care for the health and safety of others. comply with any reasonable instructions, policies and procedure given by their employer, business or controller of the workplace.

Why should a worker Recognise the limits of their role?

Caring can affect you both physically and emotionally, so it is important to recognise your limitations and seek help when you need it. This is important for both you and the person you care for because with the right support you will be able to carry out your role of carer for as long as you need to.

What does act within the limits of your competence and authority mean?

Act within the limits of your competence and authority. SFHGEN63 Act within the limits of your competence and authority 1 Overview. This standard covers recognising the boundaries of your role and responsibilities and working within your level of competence in accordance with legislation, protocols and guidelines. It is applicable for all staff.

What are the duties and responsibilities of your job?

Your duties and responsibilities refer to your legal and professional obligations as well as the tasks and behaviours that your employer expects from you as part of your job role. Your main duties and responsibilities will be dependent on your own particular role.

What does the ability to reflect mean in work capacity?

The ability to reflect means to look back on something and think about it in a logical manner. So in a work capacity reflecting on what went well, what didn’t go so well, what could be changed and why this change would be necessary all helps regarding possible outcomes of future client calls.