What are the stages of a volcanic eruption?
Volcano eruptions go through several stages typically beginning with earthquake swarms and gas emissions, then moving to initial steam and ash venting, lava dome buildup, dome collapse, magmatic explosions, more dome growth interspersed with dome failures and finally, ash, lava and pyroclastic eruptions.
Which word describes one stage of volcanic activity?
Answer: 1. Dormant and extract are the stages of volcanic activity.
What are the structure of volcano?
erupting volcano The main parts of a volcano are 1) the crater, a depression at the top of the volcano from which volcanic material has been ejected; 2) the vent, the conduit between crater and the magma; and 3) the cone, the area around the crater at the top of the volcano, made up of material ejected during an …
What are the three different stages of a volcano?
What are the different stages of volcanoes? Active volcano: Which is active or soon erupt in the future. Dormant volcano: which erupt in past but it is no longer erupting Extinct volcano: which not erupting and never erupt again.
What are the three stages of volcanoes life cycle?
Describe three stages in the life cycle of a volcano. Answer. The three stages of a volcano are active, dormant and extinct . An active volcano is either erupting or showing signs that it is going to erupt, such as emitting gas. A dormant volcano is not active, but it could become active again, and an extinct volcano is unlikely to erupt again.
What are the stages that lead up to volcanic eruption?
Volcano eruptions go through several stages typically beginning with earthquake swarms and gas emissions, then moving to initial steam and ash venting, lava dome buildup, dome collapse, magmatic explosions, more dome growth interspersed with dome failures and finally, ash, lava and pyroclastic eruptions.
What are the advantages of living in a volcanic area?
Advantage and Disadvantages of living near a volcano. Advantages: 1) Volcanoes provide resources for energy extraction, also known as geothermal resources. This involves heat from the earth’s crust is being converted to energy. The big advantages to this type of energy are that it is very clean and the resources are nearly inexhaustible.