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What are the steps for the proper urine collection?

What are the steps for the proper urine collection?

To collect a urine sample you should:

  1. label a sterile, screw-top container with your name, date of birth and the date.
  2. wash your hands.
  3. start to pee and collect a sample of urine “mid-stream” in the container.
  4. screw the lid of the container shut.
  5. wash your hands thoroughly.

Which urine specimen will be collected first?

Random sample: Sample which is collected anytime during the day. Usually used only for routine screening because the composition of urine changes throughout the day. 2. First voided specimen: Sample also referred to as a first morning specimen.

What are 4 ways to collect a urine sample?

Diagnosis requires collection of urine generally by 1 of 4 methods: sterile urine bag, urethral catheterization (CATH), suprapubic aspiration (SPA), or clean-catch (CC). Both CATH and SPA are thought to yield the most reliable results by minimizing false-positive results, but these methods are invasive and painful.

How do you label a urine specimen?

The label must contain the following legible information:

  1. Patient name.
  2. Patient medical record number, with check digit.
  3. Patient location.
  4. Collection date and time.
  5. Specimen type and/or source.
  6. Test required (note any special handling required)
  7. Ordering physician.

How do you collect first morning urine?

Your child will need to empty his or bladder before lying down to sleep, not urinate during the night, and then collect the first urine from his or her first urination in the morning. Keep the urine specimen cold (refrigerated or on ice while transporting) and bring it to the lab as soon as possible.

What is the first urine of the day?

The first morning urine is the urine you void when you get up for the day. If you get up during the night, it is not necessary to catch that urine. You can wait until you get up for the day. For women who work night shift, your first morning urine will be the urine you void after you slept during the day.

When should a 24-hour urine specimen begin?

The 24-hour collection may start at any time during the day after you urinate. But your healthcare provider may tell you when to start. It is common to start the collection the first thing in the morning. It is important to collect all urine in the following 24-hour period.

What is a routine urine specimen?

What It Is. A routine urine culture detects the amount of germs (microorganisms like bacteria) present in the urine. Once a urine sample is collected, a technician will keep it in conditions where microorganisms can multiply. Normally, no more than a small number of germs will be in the urine if there’s no infection.

What is the procedure for collecting a urine sample?

PROCEDURE Specimen collection: 1. Routine or random sample: The patient is given a non-sterile collection container and instructed to collect a midstream specimen in the container. This type of specimen is routinely used for urinalysis and may not be used for a culture and sensitivity.

Can a person collect urine on their own?

People can collect urine on their own. Certain factors may affect the accuracy of a 24-hour urine collection. These include: Forgetting to collect some of your urine. Going beyond the 24-hour collection period and collecting too much urine. Losing urine from the specimen container through spilling.

What should I use for a 24 hour urine collection?

Generally, a 24-hour urine collection follows this process: You will be given 1 or more containers for collecting and storing your urine. A brown plastic container is typically used.

What makes up the urine in the lab?

The container (s) must be kept cool until the urine is returned to the lab. Urine is made up of water and dissolved chemicals, such as sodium and potassium. It also contains urea. This is made when protein breaks down, and creatinine, which is formed from muscle breakdown.