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What are the two major types of decisions Army?

What are the two major types of decisions Army?

The Army has traditionally viewed military decision-making, or Battle Command, as both science and art. Battle Command is divided into two categories: Command and Control.

What are the two types of deliberate assessments?

The deliberate assessment consists of two phases: the initial assessment, conducted upon entry into the designated AO, and the survey, which is more detailed. 5-19.

Why is Step 2 mission analysis the most important step of Mdmp?

Why is mission analysis the most important step in MDMP? No amount of planning can solve a insufficiently understood problem. What do staff and CO’s seek to understand when they analyze higher HQ’s plan/order?

How are commanders and staffs able to recognize relationships?

Commanders and staffs can recognize relationships among events in the area of interest, discern the way the enemy thinks, and forecast what he might do. Moreover, commanders and staffs begin to recognize what they do not yet understand-they identify the uncertainty that exists.

What are the special responsibilities of a Commander?

Special authorities and responsibilities are inherent with command. In addition to leading people to accomplish an assigned mission, commanders have the lawful authority and responsibility to promote and safeguard the morale, physical well-being, and the general welfare of persons under their command.

Why is it important for commanders to have situational understanding?

While staffs may support commanders in achieving understanding, the most important understanding is that which commanders achieve. When commanders achieve situational understanding, they see patterns emerging from events in the area of interest. They can anticipate the consequences of both their own force’s actions and the enemy’s.

Who is the incident commander in an agency?

The Incident Commander may establish Divisions and/or Groups prior to designating anOperations Section. The use of Unified Command is recommended in most multi-jurisdictional/multi-agencyincidents. An Incident Commander from each responsible agency or jurisdiction should beincluded in the Unified Command.