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What can I do with a rear projection TV?

What can I do with a rear projection TV?

Here are a few things you can do with an old projection TV:

  1. Sell it for parts. There are people and businesses who need various parts to use in like devices.
  2. Donate it. Some charities and other organizations will accept a working projection television.
  3. Repurpose it.
  4. Repair it for continued use.
  5. Junk it.

What is the benefit of rear projection?

One of the main advantages of rear projection is that you can stand in front of the screen without blocking the light from the projector and casting a shadow on the screen. This gives more options for stage and room layouts and provides a more professional presentation setup.

Is a rear projection TV good?

While RPTVs aren’t as good for ambient light rejection as LCDs or even plasmas, they’re way better than front projectors.

Is rear or front projection better?

While 90% of the time a front projection offers better visuals, with enough space a rear projection setup may be a superior choice. That’s because it allows ambient light to hit the back of the screen to achieve the best image; this also helps to improve projected images appearing on the front of the screen.

Are rear projection TVs still made?

On Monday Mitsubishi confirmed it has already ceased production of its last RPTVs, and told that inventory is almost gone. “The decision to exit the category was based on lack of profitability in the big-screen TV business,” according to Max Wasinger, executive VP at Mitsubishi Electric Video Sales America.

Who will take rear projection TV?

Donate your old projection television to charitable organizations like the Salvation Army or Goodwill that could benefit from your donation. In fact, your projection TV may be picked up at your doorstep, depending on your location and the organization you’re donating to.

Can a rear projection screen be used for front projection?

Some materials, especially darker surfaces diffuse light more evenly. Rear projection is less affected by other sources of light and contrast is therefore better if there is an external light source. Some screens can be used for both front and rear projection, providing the versatility required for special projects.

Do all projectors do rear projection?

It is important to know that most every projector available today is capable of rear projection; the setting is inside of the projector and really has little to do with anything else. Most often you will see a display setting that will give you the option of choosing the rear projection setting in your projector.

What was the largest rear projection TV?

On the other hand, for a mere $6,000, Mitsubishi offers the largest rear-projection TV on the market, the 70-inch VS-700 2R. Mitsubishi makes rear-projection TVs with 100-inch and 120-inch screens, but they don’t have cabinets and require custom installation.

Is it safe to take apart a projection TV?

Taking apart the TV or monitor can be very dangerous. High voltage presents inside the CRT – even when the power is off! And the CRT is fragile. You could get seriously injured or die.

How do I get rid of an old rear projection TV?

How do you dispose of an old or broken TV?

  1. Donate your TV. There are many local charities that accept televisions that still work.
  2. Take it to a recycling facility. Depending on where you live, they may offer a pick up service.
  3. Return it to the manufacturer.
  4. Sell it.
  5. Give it away for free.