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What caused Arab Spring?

What caused Arab Spring?

The Arab Spring (Arabic: الربيع العربي‎) was a series of anti-government protests, uprisings, and armed rebellions that spread across much of the Arab world in the early 2010s. It began in response to corruption and economic stagnation and was influenced by the Tunisian Revolution.

What is one of the basic causes of the Arab Spring quizlet?

The Arab Spring was when citizens overthrew their dictatorial governments. The uprisings and unrest led to protests and demonstrations. Some governments used violence to end protests.

What was the Arab Spring and when did it occur?

December 18, 2010
Arab Spring/Start dates

Why did Egypt become independent?

Egypt became an independent state in 1922. Britain and France invaded Egypt and seized back control of the canal. However, the USA and other nations severely criticised Britain and France and pressured them into pulling out. It was a sign that Britain’s days as a great imperial power were over.

What caused the revolution in Egypt?

The primary reason, the prevailing reason for the revolution in Egypt is the regime and the Egyptian people’s thirst for democracy and legitimate elections . No one in Egypt (or outside of Egypt for that matter) is fooled by the “elections” that have taken place during Mubarak’s regime.

What was the purpose of the Egyptian Revolution?

The primary reason, the prevailing reason for the revolution in Egypt is the regime and the Egyptian people’s thirst for democracy and legitimate elections. No one in Egypt (or outside of Egypt for that matter) is fooled by the “elections” that have taken place during Mubarak ’s regime.

What were the effects of the Egyptian Revolution?

The Egyptian Revolution Effects The Egyptian revolution was as magnificent event. It was a great step towards freedom and democracy. This revolution was considered by the whole world to be one of the greatest revolutions of modern world history. It has restored dignity and respect to Egypt and Egyptians as a whole.

Who were the kings of Egypt?

Tutankhamun, Tutankhaten(his original name), the boy King of Egypt (reigned 1333 23 BC) or King Tut (as known to most of the western people) is by far the most famous Egyptian Pharaoh today.