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What causes you to hate someone?

What causes you to hate someone?

Hate is an emotion. It dwells somewhere between anger, fear and disgust. At its worst, hatred can inspire violent acts. Hatred can be caused by many variables, but most often it’s fueled, at least in part, by distorted thought processes such as “all-or-nothing thinking” or generalizations.

What do you do when you hate someone so much?

If you take these 12 tips to heart, you’ll be able to successfully deal with a person you disdain.

  1. Let It Go.
  2. Focus On Healthy Ways To Communicate.
  3. Practice Civility.
  4. Sidestep When Possible.
  5. Fake It Till You Make It.
  6. Be Mindful Of Your Emotions.
  7. Put A Positive Spin On It.
  8. Find Common Ground.

What is it called when you hate a lot of people?

Misanthropy (a word of 17th century origin, from the Greek misanthrōpos) is traditionally defined as hatred or distrust of humankind. So the negative attitude is not just directed at some individual persons or groups of people but at humanity as a whole.

What does it mean to truly hate someone?

Verb. hate, detest, abhor, abominate, loathe mean to feel strong aversion or intense dislike for. hate implies an emotional aversion often coupled with enmity or malice. hated the enemy with a passion detest suggests violent antipathy.

Is hate a form of love?

Especially from the perspectives of young couples in romantic relationships, hate is also a reflection of love. The relationship between love and hate can be explained from different perspectives. Romantic hate may be rooted in romantic jealousy.

How do you know if u hate someone?

When you hate someone, he or she has power over your life and infiltrates everything you do. Your hate slithers into your veins like a serpent, wrapping itself around your heart. You may hate this person, but you feel very, very strongly about him or her. Even though you certainly do not want to admit it, you care.