What changes did they make during their rule Abbasids?
They murdered remaining Umayyad family and create and empire. What changes did Abbasids make during their rule? create a powerful bureaucracy with treasury, army, taxed land, taxation, imports/exports, and non-Muslim wealth.
What changes did caliphs make during their rule quizlet?
What changes did the “Rightly Guided” caliphs make during their rule? They enforced jihad, or war against unbelievers and mobilized highly disciplined armies that conquered Arabia, parts of the Byzantine empire, and Sassanid empire.
What changes did the Abbasid rulers bring to Islam?
The changes Abbasid rulers bring to the world of Islam was the Abbasids built a new capital city at Baghdad the further east they moved the greater the Persian influence. Under the Umayyads warriors had been seen as the idea citizens and under the Abbasid rulers it was judges, merchants, and government people.
What were the contributions of the Abbasids?
Between 750 and 833 the Abbasids raised the prestige and power of the empire, promoting commerce, industry, arts, and science, particularly during the reigns of al-Manṣūr, Hārūn al-Rashīd, and al-Maʾmūn.
What did the Sufis do quizlet?
A mystic branch of Islam, focused on transcending outward religion and experiencing spiritual reality. Sufis sought a personal relationship with god through asceticism, concern for ethics, and mystical worship. Sufis criticize ulema focus on particular behavior as legalistic, formal, and bereft of true spirituality.
What is Abbasid Revolution write about the achievements of the revolution?
The revolution led to the enfranchisement of non-Arab people who had converted to Islam, granting them social and spiritual equality with Arabs. This led to a great cultural and scientific exchange known as the Islamic Golden Age, with most achievements taking place under the Abbasids.