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What changes occur as the conducting tubes of the lungs become smaller?

What changes occur as the conducting tubes of the lungs become smaller?

Rio/ Marieb Chapt 8 Vocab, Study Guide, Questions

Question Answer
Which of the following changes occurs as the conducting tubes of the lungs become smaller? Smooth muscle amount increases
The ideal vital capacity of an individual is around: 4800 mL

What is the function of the conducting airways?

The conducting airways comprise the trachea, the two stem bronchi, the bronchi, and the bronchioles. Their function is to further warm, moisten, and clean the inspired air and distribute it to the gas-exchanging zone of the lung.

Why is smooth muscle in the walls of the conducting tubes necessary?

The bronchioles are not inert. The smooth muscles that surround the airways will automatically constrict (close) and dilate (open) to control the flow of air in and out of the lungs.

What changes would occur in the blood’s pH of the breathing rate were increased or decreased?

Respiratory Alkalosis The increase in pH is often caused by hyperventilation (excessively deep breathing). When a person hyperventilates they exhale more carbon dioxide than normal. As a result the carbon dioxide concentration in the blood is reduced and the bicarbonate/carbonic acid equilibrium shifts to the left.

Why does hyperventilation produce apnea or a reduced respiratory rate?

Why does hyperventilation produce apnea, or a reduced respiratory rate? Hyperventilation washes carbon dioxide out of the blood. Since carbon dioxide is the major chemical stimulus for inspiration, the desire or drive to breathe is decreased.

Are the smallest conducting tubes inside the lungs?

In your lungs, the main airways (bronchi) branch off into smaller and smaller passageways — the smallest, called bronchioles, lead to tiny air sacs (alveoli).

What is the function of the small airways in the respiratory system?

Alveoli: Tiny air sacs in the lungs where the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place. Bronchioles: Small branches of the bronchial tubes that lead to the alveoli. Capillaries: Blood vessels in the alveoli walls that move oxygen and carbon dioxide.

What are the smaller tubes of the bronchi called that go into the lungs?

What is the significance of the amount of smooth muscle in the smaller airways in terms of airflow?

Increase in smooth muscle correlates with the degree of airflow limitation; the greater the amount of smooth muscle, the lower the FEV1 and the more severe the airway obstruction [25].

How does breathing affect pH?

When you exhale, you release carbon dioxide, which is a waste product. Normally, the respiratory system keeps these two gases in balance. Respiratory alkalosis occurs when you breathe too fast or too deep and carbon dioxide levels drop too low. This causes the pH of the blood to rise and become too alkaline.