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What combining form means intestines?

What combining form means intestines?

Entero- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “intestine.” The intestines are the long tract of the digestive system that runs from the stomach to the anus.

What term means pertaining to the intestines?

Enter/ic: Pertaining to intestine.

Which medical terminology combining form means small intestine?

small intestine. Gastr/o/enter/o/logy: Specialty that studies. diseases of the stomach and intestine. Enter/o = Small intestine, Intestine.

Which combining form represents a part of the small intestine?

Jejuno- is a combining form used like a prefix representing the jejunum, the middle portion of the small intestine. It is used in medical terms, especially in anatomy and surgery.

What combining form means to digest or digestion?

The combining form digest/o- means: break down food; digest. The combining form celi/o- means: abdomen.

What is the combining form for internal organs?


Term aden/o Definition gland (cf)
Term sarc/o Definition skin (cf)
Term somat/o Definition body (cf)
Term system/o Definition system (combining form)
Term viscer/o Definition internal organs (combining form)

Which combining form means vessel?

Angi/o means vessel.

What is the suffix that means digestion?

pepsis, warming, cooking, digestion + -ia] Suffix meaning digestion. -pepsia is a sample topic from the Taber’s Medical Dictionary.

Which of the following word root combining forms means intestine?

What It Means

Root Word What It Means
Col/o, colon/o Colon
Dent/o, odont/o Teeth
Duoden/o Duodenum
Enter/o Small intestine

What root word means intestine?

Intestine comes from the Latin word intestinum, “gut” or “bowels,” which is the neuter form of the adjective intestinus, “inward” or “internal.”

What combining form means kidney?

a combining form meaning “kidney,” used in the formation of compound words: nephrolith.