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What could happen if scientists did not communicate the results of their investigations?

What could happen if scientists did not communicate the results of their investigations?

In the process of doing a scientific investigation, you have to keep good records of your data and experiences. Without communicating scientific results, your work essentially has no wider value, so it’s very important. Results can be communicated through scientific papers, presentations, posters, and other displays.

Why is it important to communicate the results of a scientific investigation?

Communicating Results This is a very important step because it allows other scientists to try to repeat the investigation and see if they can produce the same results. If other researchers get the same results, it adds support to the hypothesis. If they get different results, it may disprove the hypothesis.

How do scientist communicate results?

The main ways that scientists communicate research results is by publishing the results in journals. Journals are archived and can be read by other people in the future. Publications give scientists the most long-lasting and widespread audience. A recent movement in journal publishing is called open-access.

How do scientists communicate their results to the public?

There are several ways that scientists communicate our results, including written reports and scientific journal publications, and by giving presentations to our colleagues and the public. One popular venue for scientists to present to colleagues is at scientific conferences.

Why do scientists have to communicate their results in written reports?

Publishing results of research projects in peer-reviewed journals enables the scientific and medical community to evaluate the findings themselves. It also provides instructions so that other researchers can repeat the experiment or build on it to verify and confirm the results.

How do scientist approach and handle a scientific problem?

A good format for a hypothesis would be, “If we do XX, then YY will happen.” Remember, the hypothesis should be measurable so it can help you solve the business problem identified in step one. 3. Test the hypothesis by conducting an experiment. There have been entire books written about conducting experiments.

How are scientists able to communicate their findings?

Scientists sometimes opt to bring their papers to present at scientific meetings instead of going through scientific journals. This allows scientists to present the most up-to-date findings, something often impossible to do with scientific journals because of the time needed for peer review, revisions and publication.

Why do you need to keep records in a scientific investigation?

Keeping Records. When you’re doing a scientific investigation, you need to keep good records. Science is all about collecting evidence, and if that evidence hasn’t been written down at the time, people have no way of knowing how reliable your results may be.

Why do scientists have to go to scientific meetings?

Scientific meetings allow scientists in specialized fields to come together and discuss, face-to-face, many issues in science. But one primary reason for these meetings is the ability to share research results. Scientists sometimes opt to bring their papers to present at scientific meetings instead of going through scientific journals.

How do scientists share their results with the public?

Often, after the scientific community reviews and confirms results, either through scientific journals or meetings, the responsible scientists will push their results into the public, accepting interviews from journalists or appearing on television shows to talk about their findings.