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What country has the most rainforests?

What country has the most rainforests?

Brazil has the largest rainforest cover in the world, thanks to the Amazon Rainforest. The Amazon Rainforest is the biggest and most biodiverse rainforest in the world covering an area of 1,800,000 square miles.

Does New Zealand have rainforests?

Temperate rainforests occur throughout New Zealand today; they are dominated in northern New Zealand by Agathis and a range of emergent podocarps, and many broadleaved taxa such as Beilschmiedia and Dysoxylum (Wardle 1991. 1991. Vegetation of New Zealand.

Does Europe have rainforests?

Europe. Temperate rainforest occurs in fragments across the north and west of Europe in countries such as southern Norway (see Scandinavian coastal conifer forests) and northern Spain.

Is there a rainforest in USA?

While we do have rainforests in the U.S., almost all of them are temperate. The only tropical rainforest managed by the U.S. Forest Service is El Yunque National Forest in northern Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the U.S., and Puerto Ricans are American citizens).

Which countries are the three biggest rainforests found in?

Brazil – 1,800,000. An aerial view of the Amazon River and Amazon Rainforest.

  • Democratic Republic of the Congo – 683,400. A typical scene of the rainforest in the DRC.
  • Indonesia – 490,349. Rainforest coverage in Indonesia.
  • Peru – 289,688. Trees in the Amazon Rainforest of Peru.
  • Colombia – 258,688. A hummingbird in the Colombian rainforest.
  • Which countries conserve rainforests?

    If global powers want to preserve these valuable services afforded by rainforests, then they are going to have to pay up says the Coalition, which also includes the countries of Bolivia, Central African Republic, Chile, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala and Nicaragua .

    What countries have the natural region of the rain forests?


  • Congo (Democratic Republic)
  • Indonesia
  • Peru
  • Colombia
  • What is the smallest rainforest in the world?

    Dominica Rainforest (Caribbean Islands) This is one of the smallest rainforests in the world covering around 750 Sq Km. It is surrounded by beautiful scenic landscapes, waterfalls, mountain peaks and valleys. Some of the prominent species of birds and animals found here are the agouti, sea turtles, bats, butterflies and crabs.