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What country is 40 N 40 E?

What country is 40 N 40 E?

In September 2004 Cenci and I decided to visit 40N 40E in eastern Anatolia. We started by car in Hamburg and drove through the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Serbia/Montenegro and Bulgaria….


What country can be found at 40 N 20 E?

What country is located at 30 degrees north and 30 degrees east?…What continent is 40 N and 20 E?

Co-ordinates Country, territory or sea Notes
40°0′N 20°23′E Greece
40°0′N 22°37′E Mediterranean Sea Aegean Sea

What country is 40 N 15 E?

Around the world

Co-ordinates Country, territory or sea Notes
40°0′N 9°42′E Mediterranean Sea Tyrrhenian Sea
40°0′N 15°20′E Italy Campania
40°0′N 15°26′E Mediterranean Sea Gulf of Policastro
40°0′N 15°41′E Italy Basilicata, Calabria

Which continent is located at 80 S 40 E?

Around the world

Co-ordinates Continent Sub-continent
80°0′S 160°0′E Antarctica West Antarctica
80°0′S 150°0′W East Antarctica
80°0′S 90°0′W
80°0′S 80°0′W

What is 40 degrees latitude?

The 40th parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 40 degrees north of the Earth’s equatorial plane. It crosses Europe, the Mediterranean Sea, Asia, the Pacific Ocean, North America, and the Atlantic Ocean.

Where is 40.2 degrees north of the equator?

Yerevan, Armenia, is 40.2 degrees north of the equator (latitude) and 44.5 degrees east of the Prime Meridian (longitude). It’s located at: 40.2° N, 44.5° E. Bedford, Pennsylvania, is very close to the 40°N line of latitude but not exactly on it. Which of these is true? A. You can’t describe Bedford’s absolute location.

Where does the 40th parallel go in the United States?

United States. The parallel 40° north passes through the cities of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Columbus, Ohio; as well as northern suburbs of Indianapolis, Indiana and Denver, Colorado. The parallel goes directly through the John Glenn Columbus International Airport, with runway 10L-28R lying immediately north of the line,…

Where was the colony of Pennsylvania north of the 40th parallel?

A subsequent royal grant gave the Colony of Pennsylvania land north of the 40th parallel but mistakenly assumed it would intersect the Twelve Mile Circle, which it does not. Pennsylvania’s border was thus unclear and the colony pushed for a border far south of the 40th parallel.