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What degree latitude receives the most direct sunlight?

What degree latitude receives the most direct sunlight?

The Equator, at 0° latitude, receives a maximum intensity of the sun’s rays all year.

What is the latitude when the sun is directly overhead?

23.5° latitude
You may have noticed two special lines of latitude on a globe of the world: One in the Northern Hemisphere called the Tropic of Cancer at +23.5° latitude and one in the Southern Hemisphere called the Tropic of Capricorn at − 23.5° latitude. These are the latitudes where the Sun is directly overhead at noon once a year.

What latitude is getting the most direct rays of the sun at 90 degrees on Dec 22?

Since the Earth’s axis is tilted 23.5 degrees, then on this particular day, the Sun’s rays are striking the Earth directly at a latitude approximately 23.5 degrees north of the equator (that is, the Sun’s rays are coming in at an angle of 90 degrees here; this is the subsolar point).

What latitude is the Tropic of Capricorn?

23.4394 degrees
Description: Abstract: The Tropic of Capricorn lies at 23d 26′ 22″ (23.4394 degrees) south of the Equator and marks the most southerly latitude at which the sun can appear directly overhead at noon.

What latitude receives the least direct sunlight?

The North Pole tips away from the Sun and no sunlight reaches above the Arctic Circle (66.5 °N). Less than half of the Northern Hemisphere is illuminated and experiences daylight periods shorter than 12 hours.

Which zone receives direct rays of Sun?

TORRID ZONE : This refers to area between the Tropic of cancer and Tropic of Capricorn. It receives the maximum amount of sunlight as it receives direct vertical rays of the sun almost during the entire year. It is also known as tropical zone.

What latitude gets the most direct sun on September 23rd?

Since the earth’s axis is tilted 23 ½ degrees, then on this particular day, the sun’s rays are striking the earth directly at a latitude approximately 23 ½ degrees north of the equator (that is, the sun’s rays are coming in at an angle of 90 degrees here; this is the subsolar point).

What latitude gets the most direct sun on December 21st?

23.5° south
The sun’s rays are directly overhead along the Tropic of Capricorn (the latitude line at 23.5° south, passing through Brazil, South Africa, and Australia) on December 21.

What is the latitude of the vertical direct rays of the Sun?

23.5° S.
The sun’s vertical rays are directly above 23.5° S. latitude, the Tropic of Capricorn.

What angle do direct rays of the Sun hit the ground?

90 degrees
The light rays that are hitting the earth at 90 degrees are known as direct rays. Here they hit the earth in the red area. Because the Earth is curved, not all rays hit it directly.

Where is 23.5 degrees south latitude?

The Tropic of Capricorn
The Tropic of Capricorn is located at approximately 23.5 degrees south latitude, or 23.5 degrees south of the equator. This line of latitude is the southern boundary of the area referred to as the tropics. This line marks the point farthest to the south at which the sun is hanging directly upward at noon.

What degrees is the Antarctic Circle?

Antarctic Circle, parallel, or line of latitude around the Earth, at 66°30′ S.