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What determines the level of the water table?

What determines the level of the water table?

The shape and height of the water table is influenced by the land surface that lies above it; it curves up under hills and drops under valleys. The groundwater found below the water table comes from precipitation that has seeped through surface soil.

What is the best description of a water table?

A water table describes the boundary between water-saturated ground and unsaturated ground. Below the water table, rocks and soil are full of water. Pockets of water existing below the water table are called aquifers. An area’s water table can fluctuate as water seeps downward from the surface.

What is the water table a level geography?

The water table is a fundamental reference surface in the study of groundwater. It tends to follow the ground surface, rising under hills and falling at valleys, but the gradient of the water table is usually much less than that of the ground surface (Figure 4 ).

What is the water table and what factors affect its level?

Water table- the horizon that separates the unsaturated zone above from the saturated zone below. It is affected by-the water supply from above, rainfall, and location. Flow direction of water is affected by gravity and pressure.

What is the water table quizlet?

The Water Table is the upper limit of under ground water. • It rises when rain falls as the pore spaces become filled. • During dry periods the level falls. Only $35.99/year.

What is the best definition of a water table quizlet?

The water table is the upper limit of the zone of saturation. Unsaturated Zone- (vadose zone) is the area above the zone of saturation. Pore spaces include both air and water.

Which is true about the water table in a well?

Groundwater True/False Quiz. (1) The water table is the altitude (below ground) where the water level in a well will rise to when the well taps a confined aquifer. (2) Land subsidence occurs in areas underlain by highly-fractured granite, which is readily dissolved by moving groundwater, especially when the water is slightly acidic.

Is the water table above ground or below ground?

But it can be! Just take this true/false quiz about groundwater and you will find that you can amaze your friends with little-known facts at the next party. (1) The water table is the altitude (below ground) where the water level in a well will rise to when the well taps a confined aquifer.

What are the lines on the water table?

The water table contour lines are lines of constant hydraulic head. Lines of constant head are also known as equipotential lines. A flow net for cross-section from the SW to the NE corners of this area is depicted in the following diagram.

What makes an aquifer a good source of water?

(7) The porosity and permeability of an aquifer define its ability to yield water to wells in productive amounts.