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What did Southern farmers grow in the 1800s?

What did Southern farmers grow in the 1800s?

The Southern economy was based on agriculture. Crops such as cotton, tobacco, rice, sugar cane and indigo were grown in great quantities.

What did the South rely on during the 1800’s?

The South had small farms and big plantations. They grew cotton, tobacco, corn, sugar, and rice. Most slaves lived on big plantations.

What was the cash crop in the South in the 1840s?

With the invention of the cotton gin, cotton became the cash crop of the Deep South, stimulating increased demand for enslaved people from the Upper South to toil the land.

What was the main crop of the South during the early 1800’s?

After 1800, cotton became the chief crop in southern plantations, and the chief American export.

Why were most southern factories built to serve the needs for farmers?

Many factories in the South were built to serve farmers’ needs by processing crops such as sugarcane. In 1803 the nation’s first steam-powered sawmill was built in Donaldsonville, Louisiana. This new technology enabled lumber companies to cut, sort, and clean wood quickly.

Which crop dominated the Southern economy in the early 1800s?

Cotton, however, emerged as the antebellum South’s major commercial crop, eclipsing tobacco, rice, and sugar in economic importance. By 1860, the region was producing two-thirds of the world’s cotton.

What did farmers do in the late 19th century?

New machines for use in farming were invented in this period, but horses, oxen, and people still provided most of the power that operated the machinery. While farmers now produced cash crops (crops grown for sale), they were still remarkably self-sufficient, often making or trading for nearly everything required by their own families.

What did farmers do when dry weather returned?

When dry weather returned, the homesteaders’ crops failed, sending many of them into debt, farther west, or back to the east or south. Farmers began to organize into groups called Granges and Farmers’ Alliances to address the problems faced by farmers.

What kind of clothing did people wear in the 1840s?

People of the 1840s wore more clothing than we do – high necks, long sleeves, long trousers for men and long skirts for women. •. Because there was no sunscreen and most people did not own sunglasses (although some early versions did exist), men wore hats and women wore bonnets to protect themselves from the weather.

What was the farmers political party in 1892?

Some farmers tried to launch a new political party, the People’s Party (or Populists), running a candidate for president in 1892. Unfortunately, their candidate did not do well, drawing only about 8 percent of the vote.