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What did Spartan boys not learn?
While the boys were going through the agoge program, the girls were raised by their mothers or by trusted servants but, unlike in other city-states such as Athens, they did not learn how to spin, weave, or clean house.
What did boys study in ancient Greece?
Children were trained in music, art, literature, science, math, and politics. In Athens, for example, boys were taught at home until they were about six years old. Then boys went to school, where they learned to read and write. They learned to play a musical instrument, usually the flute or the lyre.
What did Athens boys study?
Boys were much more educated than girls. They had physical education where they learned sports and gymnastics. They also learned basic math, how to play musical instruments, how to sing, and how to write well. They memorized the Odyssey and the Iliad by Homer because these were the most important works in their world.
What did Spartan boys do at school?
They were taught boxing, swimming, wrestling, javelin-throwing, and discus-throwing. They were trained to harden themselves to the elements. At the age of 18, Spartan boys had to go out into the world and steal their food.
Did Spartans throw babies off cliffs?
The Greek myth that ancient Spartans threw their stunted and sickly newborns off a cliff was not corroborated by archaeological digs in the area, researchers said Monday. “It is probably a myth, the ancient sources of this so-called practice were rare, late and imprecise,” he added.
Did the battle of 300 really happen?
Battle of Thermopylae In the late summer of 480 B.C., Leonidas led an army of 6,000 to 7,000 Greeks from many city-states, including 300 Spartans, in an attempt to prevent the Persians from passing through Thermopylae. Leonidas and the 300 Spartans with him were all killed, along with most of their remaining allies.
Why did girls not go to school in ancient Greece?
Education in Ancient Greece Greek boys went to school, but girls did not. Girls in wealthier families might have been taught to read but, most stayed at home and learned how to do housework. This was not the same everywhere, though. In Sparta, for example, girls had more freedom and they were taught how to fight.
Can girls go to school Athens?
Most Greek children, especially the girls, never went to school. Greek girls were not allowed to go to school and were often educated at home. The boys started school at 7 years old, and stayed until they were about 14.
What are the differences between Spartan and Athenian education?
Spartan education was state-run and concentrate more on military skills and life for boys and for girls how to be good wives and give birth to many Spartan soldiers. Education in Athens was private and concentrated mainly on philosophy, the arts, and the sciences.
What kind of education did Spartan girls receive?
How Spartan Women Were Educated. Women were educated as well as the boys. They received training in wrestling, gymnastics and calisthenics. The emphasis behind a girl receiving a great education was that strong women produced strong children who could grow up to be strong warriors.
Did Spartans have pets?
He’s also a ferret. Surprised? No one living in Sparta would have been. Dogs, caged birds, goats, tortoises, ducks, quail, weasels, mice, polecats/ferrets, and grasshoppers were all popular pets in ancient Greece.
Was the Spartan 300 real?
In short, not as much as suggested. It is true there were only 300 Spartan soldiers at the battle of Thermopylae but they were not alone, as the Spartans had formed an alliance with other Greek states. It is thought that the number of ancient Greeks was closer to 7,000. The size of the Persian army is disputed.