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What did stink used to mean?

What did stink used to mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) intransitive verb. 1 : to emit a strong offensive odor stank of urine. 2 : to be offensive the election stank of corruption also : to be in bad repute. 3 : to possess something to an offensive degree stinking with wealth.

What does Stinky link mean?

vulgar term for “anus”

How do you use stink?

smell badly and offensively.

  1. Fish begins to stink at the head.
  2. Fish always stink from the head down.
  3. The fox smells his own stink first.
  4. Stink the rats out by burning sulphur.
  5. The whole stadium stink of the hamburger.
  6. There’s a stink of cats in here.
  7. I think their methods stink.

What does the nickname stink mean?

Stink is defined as to give off a bad smell, or is slang meaning to be low quality. The definition of a stink is a nasty smell, or is slang for a public outrage.

Who created the word stinky?

Stench dates to the dawn of the 13th century and derives from Proto-Germanic, *stankwiz, and is related to the Old High German stanch, as well as the Old Saxon, stanc. Fetid was a child of the Latin word fetidus, and dates back to the early 15th century, as does its cousin (now in disuse), fetor.

Whats a sneaky leak?

You may have already guessed it as it’s pretty self-explanatory, but a ‘sneaky link’ is a slang term used to describe a person that someone is secretly hooking up with. Another way to think of it is a person you’ve sneakily linked (linked is a slang term for meeting up with).

What does link mean from a guy?

linking a person. Linking means that you are not officially in a relationship with someone but you are ‘seeing’ each other. This includes ‘kissing’, ‘hugging’ and maybe sometimes more, until the couple that are linking feel they want to commit to a relationship they will carry on seeing each other .

Is Stinkiest a real word?

1. A strong offensive odor; a stench. See Synonyms at stench.

What does Stanka mean in slang?

Standing In Glory
Meaning: Standing In Glory.