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What did the Athenians do in the Persian War?

What did the Athenians do in the Persian War?

Interesting Facts about the Persian Wars After the first invasion, the Athenians built up a mighty fleet of ships called triremes. The Persian Empire would eventually be conquered by the Greeks under the leadership of Alexander the Great. The movie 300 is about the Spartans who fought at Thermopylae.

How did Athens win the Peloponnesian wars?

Finally, in 405 BC, at the Battle of Aegospotami , Lysander captured the Athenian fleet in the Hellespont. Lysander then sailed to Athens and closed off the Port of Piraeus. Athens was forced to surrender, and Sparta won the Peloponnesian War in 404 BC.

Did Persia help Athens during the Peloponnesian War?

But during the Peloponnesian War, Persia reclaimed Ionia and funded a Spartan fleet to overthrow Athenian power. It took eight long years for Persia to triumph, and Sparta then turned on its benefactors, prompting Persia to transfer aid to Athens in the Corinthian War.

Did the Athenians receive help from the Persians?

After the Greeks had defeated the Persians, the Athenians took over the Persian fiscal organization of the Greek towns in Asia. After the Ionian revolt, the satrap of Lydia and Ionia, Artaphernes, had established the tribute that the Greek towns had to pay, and the Athenians did not change his system.

Who won in the Persian War?

the Greeks
Though the outcome of battles seemed to tip in Persia’s favor (such as the famed battle at Thermopylae where a limited number of Spartans managed to wage an impressive stand against the Persians), the Greeks won the war. There are two factors that helped the Greeks defeat the Persian Empire.

Who won at mantinea?

The great Battle of Mantinea (also called “Second Mantinea” to distinguish it from the events of 418) was a technical victory for Thebes in the strictly military sense, but (as Xenophon noted) it was actually indecisive: Epaminondas’s death permanently crushed Theban hopes of leadership in Greece.

Why did Athens lose the Peloponnesian War quizlet?

What contributed to Athens losing the Peloponnesian War? – Athens was overcrowded, and a plague spread through the city. – The death of Pericles led the Spartans to attack Athens directly. – The Spartans successfully broke through the walls around Athens.

Who won in the Persian war?

How did the defeat of the Greeks lead to the Persian occupation of Athens?

The defeat of the Greeks at Thermopylae led to the Persian occupation of Athens. The Athenians had to withdraw from the city with their women and children to the island of Salamis where it was due to a stratagem of Themistocles that the Greek could win a signal naval victory.

How did Sparta gain an edge in the Peloponnesian War?

As a result, the Peloponnesian war featured many battles where one side was forced to fight to the other side’s strengths. However, strategic alliances, as well as an important shift in Spartan policy that allowed them to run more frequent raids on Athenian soil, eventually allowed Sparta to gain an edge over its opponent.

Who was allied with Athens in the Peloponnesian War?

Thebes was allied at the time with Athens, and Plataea was linked to Sparta. Killing this envoy was seen as a betrayal, and both Athens and Sparta sent troops in response, breaking the peace that had defined the previous 15 years and setting the Peloponnesian War in motion.

Who was the Persian king during the Peloponnesian War?

At the time, the Persians controlled large swaths of territory that spanned from modern-day Iran to Egypt and Turkey. In an effort to continue to expand his empire, the Persian king at the turn of the 5th century BCE, Darius I, convinced a Greek tyrant, Aristagoras, to invade the Greek island Naxos on his behalf.