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What did the Kwakiutl use?

What did the Kwakiutl use?

The Kwakiutl used the large trees to carve dugouts. Why do you think the front of the dugout is shaped that way? They also used the trees to build their homes. The Kwakiutl lived in long, narrow houses called long houses or plank houses.

What were the Kwakiutl human resources?

What are some human resources that the Kwakiutl use? People who fished, made clothing, and hunted animals were examples of human resources. The canoes, bows, and spears American Indians made were examples of capital resources.

What are some human resources that the Lakota use?

The Lakota used the natural resources from this dry environment to meet their basic needs. In the past, they hunted buffalo and antelope, grew crops such as maize, beans, and pumpkins, and gathered wild berries and fruits.

What kind of job does a Kwakiutl have?

Many Kwakiutl were employed in the commercial fishing industry until the early 1990s. The local Kwakiutl communities are being challenged by the salmon aquaculture industry for their local food source, which is fish. The industries are creating fish farms.

What kind of art did the Kwakiutl Indians do?

Kwakiutl artists are known for their fine Native American basket and woodcarving arts, including wooden mask and totem pole carvings. Here is a website about Kwakiutl dance masks. What other Native Americans did the Kwakiutl tribe interact with?

Why are the Kwakwaka wakw called the Kwakiutl?

We have been called the Kwakiutl ever since 1849, when the white people came to stay in our territories. It was a term then applied to all the Kwakwaka’wakw—that is, all of the people who speak the language Kwakwala.

What kind of food did the Kwakiutl Indians eat?

Kwakiutl men caught fish and sea mammals from their canoes. They also hunted deer, birds, and small game. Kwakiutl women gathered clams and shellfish, seaweed, berries, and roots. Here is a website with more information about Northwest Indians food.