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What did the rebels want from the king?

What did the rebels want from the king?

The rebels sought a reduction in taxation, an end to serfdom, and the removal of King Richard II’s senior officials and law courts. Inspired by the sermons of the radical cleric John Ball and led by Wat Tyler, a contingent of Kentish rebels advanced on London.

Why did the peasants rebel in Germany?

A rebellion that lasted from 1524 to 1525 in German-speaking domains of the Holy Roman Empire. The revolt originated in opposition to the heavy burdens of taxes and duties on the German serfs, who had no legal rights and no opportunity to improve their lot.

What did Richard promise the rebels did he keep his word?

On 15 June, the 14-year-old king, Richard II, met the rebels’ leader Wat Tyler. William Walworth, the Lord Mayor of London, attacked and killed Tyler. Before the rebel army could retaliate, Richard stepped forward and promised to abolish serfdom.

How did Richard calm the rebels?

As the violence escalated, the royal council decided that there was no other option but to conciliate the rebels by offering them the face-to-face meeting they demanded.

What ideas of Luther’s did German serfs use to justify their revolt against serfdom?

A traditional understanding in this matter is that the Peasants’ Revolt stemmed from Martin Luther’s doctrine of spiritual freedom and the application of his ideas as religious justification for social and political upheaval.

Why did the Protestantism succeed?

Why did Protestantism succeed? Protestantism succeeded in part because some of Europe’s kings realized they could increase their power by supporting Lutheranism against the Catholic Church. Originally Henry of Navarre. He was a Politic and became a Catholic because he knew most of France was Catholic.

What happened at Smithfield on the 15th June 1381?

On 15 June 1381, Tyler and his Kentish forces met King Richard at Smithfield, outside London. Tyler attacked Newton, but was restrained and arrested by the Lord Mayor of London, William Walworth. Tyler then attempted to stab the mayor, who was saved by his armour.

How did feudal lords get out of serfdom?

If a Feudal Lord were to sell one of his manors to another Nobleman, it included not only the land, livestock, and working tools, but the serfs on the land as well. The only escape from serfdom on the Manor was to successfully go to and hide in one of the Medieval walled cities for one year and a day.

What was the role of serfs in the Middle Ages?

The church played an important role in their lives as the serfs looked up to the Church for additional assistance in difficult times. The serfs generously offered their labor and produce to their local church and were particularly instrumental in maintain the overall fabric of the church. The day-to-day life a serf was difficult.

Why did King Richard have to defeat the rebels at Mile End?

On the 14th June, King Richard had to give in to the demands of the rebels at Mile End. On 28th June, King Richard easily defeated the rebels at Billericay. Give as many reasons as you can why the rebels were strong on 14th June but weak on 28th June.

Who was involved in the Peasants Revolt of 1381?

An army, led by Thomas of Woodstock, John of Gaunt’s younger brother, was sent into Essex to crush the rebels. A battle between the peasants and the King’s army took place near the village of Billericay on 28th June. The king’s army was experienced and well-armed and the peasants were easily defeated.