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What did the small states strongly supported during the Constitutional Convention of 1787?

What did the small states strongly supported during the Constitutional Convention of 1787?

The flexibility of the original United States Constitution is due mainly to what? At the Constitutional Convention of 1787, delegates from the small states most strongly supported the idea of….. equal representation for the states in the national legislature. A limited government is based on the principle of?

Which idea presented at the Constitutional Convention would delegates from small states most strongly support *?

New Jersey Plan Plan presented at the constitutional convention that favored small states because state representation was equal.

Why did the small states decide to support a strong central government after the compromise?

The small states decided to support a strong central government after the compromise because the more people a state had, the more seats it would have in each house. They wanted each state to have the same number of votes in Congress.

Why did small states want equal representation?

Small states wanted equal representation because they did not want to be overpowered in votes by the larges states. The large states wanted proportional representation because it would mean they had more power. What is the New Jersey Plan?

How were delegates chosen for the Constitutional Convention?

The delegates chosen to go the Constitutional convention were elected by the legislature of each state.

What did delegates for a strong national government believe?

The delegates for a strong national government believed that a strong national government would endanger the rights of states. The delegates for stronger state governments believed that a strong national government would threaten individual liberty.

Which conclusion about the Constitutional Convention is best supported by these?

Which conclusion about the Constitutional Convention is best supported by these headlines? The framers of the Constitution were able to compromise on important issues. population.

Why did the delegates at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 agreed to the three-fifths compromise?

Three-fifths compromise, compromise agreement between delegates from the Northern and the Southern states at the United States Constitutional Convention (1787) that three-fifths of the slave population would be counted for determining direct taxation and representation in the House of Representatives.

What plan was supported by the small states Why?

In the Constitutional Convention, the Virginia Plan favored large states while the New Jersey Plan favored small states.

What did the delegates of the Constitutional Convention agree that the constitution should create?

The delegates finally agreed to this “Great Compromise,” which is also known as the Connecticut Compromise. The Constitution also created an executive branch and a judicial branch, which set up a system of checks and balances. Nationality requirements and ways to amend and ratify the Constitution were also addressed.

How were the delegates to the constitutional convention chosen?

Who were the delegates at the Constitutional Convention of 1787?

The delegates included many of the leading figures of the period. Among them were George Washington, who was elected to preside, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, James Wilson, John Rutledge, Charles Pinckney, Oliver Ellsworth, and Gouverneur Morris.