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What did the Sugar Act of 1764 do?

What did the Sugar Act of 1764 do?

On April 5, 1764, Parliament passed a modified version of the Sugar and Molasses Act (1733), which was about to expire. The Sugar Act reduced the rate of tax on molasses from six pence to three pence per gallon, while Grenville took measures that the duty be strictly enforced.

What was the Sugar Act and why was it important?

The Revenue Act of 1764, also known as the Sugar Act, was the first tax on the American colonies imposed by the British Parliament. Its purpose was to raise revenue through the colonial customs service and to give customs agents more power and latitude with respect to executing seizures and enforcing customs law.

What 3 things did the Sugar Act do?

He began by revising the Molasses Act of 1733, due to expire in December 1763. Enacted on April 5, 1764, to take effect on September 29, the new Sugar Act cut the duty on foreign molasses from 6 to 3 pence per gallon, retained a high duty on foreign refined sugar, and prohibited the importation of all foreign rum.

What did the Sugar Act of 1764 say?

The American Revenue Act of 1764, so called Sugar Act, was a law that attempted to curb the smuggling of sugar and molasses in the colonies by reducing the previous tax rate and enforcing the collection of duties. The 1764 Sugar Act amended the existing 1733 Sugar and Molasses Act.

What is the Sugar Act of 1764 quizlet?

~The Sugar Act was passed on April 5th, 1764. ~This act put an end to smuggling trade in sugar and molasses from the French and Dutch West Indies and it was also to replace the ineffective Molasses Act of 1733. ~The Sugar Act also reduced trade between the Colonies and the other countries.

What was the purpose of the 1764 Sugar Act quizlet?

The Sugar Act, put into place by the British government, was enacted on April 5, 1764. The purpose of the act was to tax the importation of molasses from the West Indies, similar to the previous act, but now it was actually going to be enforced by the british navy.

How did the colonists react to the Sugar Act of 1764?

American colonists responded to the Sugar Act and the Currency Act with protest. In Massachusetts, participants in a town meeting cried out against taxation without proper representation in Parliament, and suggested some form of united protest throughout the colonies.

Why did the Sugar Act upset the colonists?

The act placed a tax on sugar and molasses imported into the colonies. This was a huge disruption to the Boston and New England economies because they used sugar and molasses to make rum, a main export in their trade with other countries.

What was the main purpose of the Sugar Act of 1764 quizlet?

What were the causes of the Sugar Act?

The Sugar Act occurred when parliament decided to make a few adjustments to the trade regulations. The causes of the Sugar Act include the reduced tax on molasses from 6 pence to 3 pence, increased tax on imports of foreign processed sugar, and the prohibition on importing foreign rum.

What was the purpose of the 1764 Sugar Act Ch 5?

What was the purpose of the 1764 Sugar Act? It was designed to raise revenues to offset British military expenses in North America.

How did the colonist react to the Sugar Act?