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What did the word croquet originally mean?

What did the word croquet originally mean?

Croquet (rhymes with “okay”) is a lawn game played by whacking a wooden ball with a mallet. It was all the rage in Europe in the 1800s, but people still play it worldwide, often at summer parties. In Northern French dialect, croquet means “hockey stick,” originally “shepherd’s crook” in Old North French.

Why is croquet called croquet?

Chambers dictionary ascribes ‘croquet’ to the Northern French dialect form of ‘crochet’, which is itself a diminutive of ‘croc, croch’, a crook – which could easily have been the shape of the stick later evolving into a mallet.

Is croquet an English word?

(in croquet) the act of driving away an opponent’s ball by striking one’s own when the two are in contact. verb (used with object), cro·queted [kroh-keyd; British kroh-keyd, -keed], /kroʊˈkeɪd; British ˈkroʊ keɪd, -kid/, cro·quet·ing [kroh-key-ing; British kroh-key-ing, -kee-ing].

What is croquet called in America?

Croquet (French: croquet; /ˈkroʊkeɪ/ (UK) or /kroʊˈkeɪ/ (US)) is a sport that involves hitting wooden or plastic balls with a mallet through hoops (often called “wickets” in the United States) embedded in a grass playing court….Croquet.

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What language does the word croquet come from?

The Chambers dictionary lists croquet as a northern French dialect form of crochet, meaning a little crook. It is generally agreed that the game croquet emerged from Ireland around 1850 where it was known as crookey, a word with its root meaning as a hooked stick.

What does Roqueting mean?

: to hit (another’s ball) in croquet —used of a croquet ball or of the player who strikes it.

Did the Irish invent croquet?

Croquet, a game that involves using a mallet to hit a ball through a hoop, was traditionally thought to have originated in France, probably around the fifteenth century. Recent research suggests, however, the modern form of the game was first played in Ireland and, from there, it transferred to Britain.

Where did the game croquet originate from?

The origins of the modern game have been traced back to 1852 when a game called “crooky” was introduced to England from Ireland where it had been played since the 1830’s.

What does croquet in French mean?

[ˈkrəʊkeɪ ] (= game) croquet m.

Do you have to wear white to play croquet?

The traditional “uniform” of the sport is all-white attire—“perhaps because white is the one color everyone looks good in,” he says. As in all team sports, good sportsmanship is a must,” he says. “Often, you must knock your opponent’s ball out of play, but it’s all in good fun.”

What are croquet balls made of?

Almost all croquet balls made today (including all tournament quality balls) are of a solid plastic construction, these are often called composite balls. These are far more durable than the traditional wooden balls. The balls differ in the type of plastic used, which affects weight, bounce and durability.

Where was croquet first invented?