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What do Chinese people use for music?

What do Chinese people use for music?

Traditional music in China is played on solo instruments or in small ensembles of plucked and bowed stringed instruments, flutes, and various cymbals, gongs, and drums. The scale is pentatonic.

What is the traditional music in China?

Chinese orchestras traditionally consist of bowed strings, woodwinds, plucked strings and percussion. Chinese vocal music has traditionally been sung in a thin, non-resonant voice or in falsetto and is usually solo rather than choral. All traditional Chinese music is melodic rather than harmonic.

How did Chinese music originate?

Traditional Chinese music can be traced back 7,000 – 8,000 years based on the discovery of a bone flute made in the Neolithic Age. In the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties, only royal families and dignitary officials enjoyed music, which was made on chimes and bells.

How is Chinese music different from Western music?

When compared with its western counterpart, traditional Chinese music appear to be simply in orchestration and harmony but does constantly evolve and develop through inheritance. Compared to traditional Chinese music, traditional western music shows greater complexity in configuration, orchestration, harmony and so on.

When was Chinese music made?

How is Chinese music describe?

Westerners sometimes describe Chinese music as “loud.” The Chinese themselves consider the northern style more dynamic and energetic and the southern style softer and more graceful. The classical music of Confucian scholars, such as qin zither music and lyric songs, is naturally soft.

Why are musical instruments important in Chinese music?

These musical instruments do not only entertain people but they also play an important role in traditional Chinese culture. The“unity of man and nature”is one of the most important concepts in China; so many Chinese instruments imitate the sounds from humans or the nature.

How did music start in China?

Why is Chinese music pentatonic?

Explanation: Most Chinese music uses a pentatonic scale, with the intervals (in terms of lǜ) almost the same as those of the major pentatonic scale. The effect of changing the starting point of a song can be rather like the effect of shifting from a major to a minor key in Western music.

How does most traditional Chinese music begin?

What kind of music do people listen to in China?

Chinese music: different styles Chinese music is influenced by many factors from the Cultural Revolution to current day music genres. The older generation of Chinese people from the Mao era still listen to old traditional songs like like opera, instrumental music, classical music and piano music paired with ballads.

Why was classical music so important in China?

In traditional China, most well–educated people and monks could play classical music as a means of self-cultivation, meditation, mind purification and spiritual elevation, union with nature, identification with the values of past sages, and communication with divine beings or with friends and lovers.

What kind of music did Confucius listen to?

The classical traditional music of the elites, the folk and ethnic music, and the favorite traditional Chinese instruments are “keynotes” for appreciating Chinese traditional music in general and enjoying it more! Confucius is said to have lived about 2,500 or so years ago.

What kind of music did Chinese peasants listen to?

Besides these types, Chinese peasants were clever enough to compose folk songs, which also developed independently with local flavor. Folk songs described working and daily life such as fishing, farming, and herding and were very popular among the common people.