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What do seals eat in the Antarctic?

What do seals eat in the Antarctic?

Antarctic Fur Seal Diet Fur seals feed on moderately-sized fish, birds (including penguins), squid and krill—with krill making up the majority of the diet. In one year an individual fur seal will eat as much as one ton of krill.

What do fur seals like to eat?

Although they breathe air, seals are most at home in the water and may stay at sea for weeks at a time eating fish, squid, birds, and tiny shrimp-like krill.

What fish do seals eat in Antarctica?

Diet: Primarily squid (around 75%); about 25% fish. Where to spot them: Throughout the deep south Antarctic and sub-Antarctic as far north as the Falkland Islands.

How do fur seals survive in the Antarctic?

Seals are well adapted to cold polar environments with thick blubber layers that act both as a food reserve and insulation. Most seals also have a layer of fur, giving additional insulation on land.

Do Antarctic fur seals eat penguins?

Typical length is about 1.8 meters for a male and 1.3 meters for a female. Feeding: Krill is their main source of food, however, if Krill is no available Fur seals will eat fish, squid and, occasionally, penguins.

Are there fur seals in Antarctica?

Location: Antarctic Fur Seals are widely distributed in the Southern Ocean near the Antarctic Convergence. Most of the population breeds on South Georgia but also on other sub-Antarctic islands. Conservation status: Least Concern. They are in the family of Otariidae or Eared Seals and hence have visible ears.

What is main food of seal?

All species of seal generally eat octopus, squid, shellfish, cod, herring, flounder, sculpin, salmon, mackerel, sandeel, shrimp, whelk, and other crustaceans such as krill.

Do GREY seals eat crabs?

They will also feed on other food sources which present themselves with common seals being known to eat squid, cuttlefish, crabs, lobsters and even marine birds at times.

What are fur seals predators?

Predation. The killer whale is a primary predator of northern fur seals, but Steller sea lions are also known to prey on northern fur seals. Sharks may also prey on northern fur seals.

Do seals eat birds?

Seals usually feed on birds they find living near the sea. Seals often catch and eat penguins but will also eat seagulls and other birds that hunt for fish.

How often do Antarctic fur seals breed?

The breeding system of the Antarctic Fur Seal is polygynous, and dominant breeding males mate with as many as 20 females during a successful season. Males establish breeding grounds in October to early November. Females generally reach the colonies in December and give birth to a single pup several days later.

What kind of fish do Antarctic fur seals eat?

Antarctic fur seals are carnivores (piscivores), they mainly eat fish, krill, crustaceans, and cephalopods like squid and octopodes. In the South Georgia Islands, the mackerel icefish is the main prey.

How big are the fur seals in Antarctica?

Destinations: Falkland Islands, South Georgia, Tristan da Cunha. Name: Antarctic Fur Seal (Arctocephalus gazella) Length: 2 metres. Weight: 90 to 215 kg, males being larger. Location: Antarctic Fur Seals are widely distributed in the Southern Ocean near the Antarctic Convergence.

How many species of fur seals are there?

Antarctic Fur Seals are one type of nine species of Fur Seals that exist worldwide. They were almost hunted to extinction for their fur (hence the name “Fur Seals”).

What kind of water does a fur seal live in?

The area that Antarctic Fur Seals live in is referred to as the “Antarctic Convergence” – a zone of water between the frigid waters of the true Antarctic and the more temperate waters to the north. The area is rich in krill – a major source of nutrients for a wide array of marine life.