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What do the obliques do?
Your oblique muscles (side abdominals) help you bend from the side or twist your torso. Strong obliques support the lower back, warding off back pain and posture problems. Improved posture, thanks to strong obliques, slims your waist.
What is the action of the Xiphihumeralis?
Term Pectoantebrachialis | Definition Origin: Manubrium of sternum Insertion: Fascia of forearm Action: adducts forearm |
Term Xiphihumeralis | Definition Origin: Xiphoid process of sternum Insertion: Humerus Action: Moves humerus caudal and medial |
What is the function of the pectoralis minor in a cat?
Term Clavobrachialis | Definition Origin: Clavicle Insertion: Proximal end of ulna Function: Draws humerus craniad |
Term Pectoralis Minor | Definition Origin: Caudal sternebrae Insertion: Proximal half of humerus Function: Adducts and rotates the forelimb |
What is the function of the rectus abdominis on a cat?
The rectus abdominis lies between the aponeuroses of the internal oblique and the transversus abdominis for most of its length. Contraction of the rectus abdominis compresses the abdomen and flexes the vertebral column.
What do the internal and external obliques do?
Obliques. The external and internal oblique muscles rotate and side bend the trunk. These muscles also contribute to spinal stability.
What is oblique?
The obliques, which run along the sides of your core, are important for rotational movements, bending from side to side, and protecting your spine.
What does the Pectoantebrachialis do in cats?
The major action of these muscles is adduction of the forelimb (i.e. the front leg is drawn toward the midline). There are four subdivisions of the pectoral group in the cat. The pectoantebrachialis is the most superficial muscle of the pectoral group.
What is the function of the Spinotrapezius?
The spinotrapezius arises from the spinous processes of thoracic vertebrae and inserts on the fascia covering the scapular muscles. Its action is to adduct the scapula and pull it posteriorly.
Where is the pectoralis minor Located on a cat?
The pectoralis minor is below the major. The xiphihumeralis is named for its attachment to the xiphoid process of the sternum and the humerus. This muscle is usually darker than the other pectoralis muscles in the group.
Which is the thicker muscle of the pectoralis?
Deep to the pectoantebrachialis is the pectoralis major. Immediately posterior to the pectoralis major lies the pectoralis minor. In the cat the pectoralis minor is a larger and thicker muscle than is the pectoralis major. The fourth subdivision of the pectoral group, the xiphihumeralis,…
Which is the most superficial subdivision of the pectoral group?
There are four subdivisions of the pectoral group in the cat. The pectoantebrachialis is the most superficial muscle of the pectoral group. It is comprised of a narrow, thin band of parallel fibers which run from the anterior end of the sternum to the fascia at the proximal end of the antebrachium (forearm).
Where is the xiphihumeralis located in the pectoralis minor?
The xiphihumeralis is a thin band of muscle which runs lateral to the pectoralis minor and inserts on the proximal end of the humerus. Note that there is significant overlap of these muscles with one another.