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What do we call a friendly person?

What do we call a friendly person?

Affable means friendly, pleasant, and easy to talk to. The adjective affable entered English by way of the Latin word affābilis, which means “kind, friendly.” If you’re stuck on an airplane next to someone affable, the trip won’t be so bad because that person will be easy to chat with but won’t talk your ear off.

What is a word for a nice person?

What is another word for nice person?

gentleperson aristocrat
patrician noble
gentle brick
scholar blue blood
good egg good person

How do you describe a friendly girl?

Amicable – She is friendly and cares about the needs of others. Benevolent – She makes decisions that benefit others more than herself. Considerate – She predicts what others need and acts before she is asked. Devoted – She is loyal to the people and causes she loves.

What’s a big word for nice?

What is another word for nice?

kind likableUS
wonderful amicable
approachable benevolent
cheerful compassionate
congenial delightful

What do you call a strong woman?

60 powerful words to describe a strong woman

accountable educated positive
badass experienced professional
beautiful graceful punctual
brave hardworking reliable
bright impressive remarkable

What can I say instead of so nice?

What is another word for nice?

enjoyable delightful
pleasant pleasurable
satisfying agreeable
amazing lovely
magnificent marvellousUK

What is a strong woman called?

60 powerful words to describe a strong woman

accountable educated positive
considerate motivated strong
creative open-minded successful
dependable organized talented
determined passionate tenacious