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What do you give the harvest goddess?

What do you give the harvest goddess?

Throw a gift into the water to see her descend from above to thank you for your generosity. The Harvest Goddess likes gifts of flowers, crops, and edible animal products.

What does the harvest goddess like Harvest Moon?


Loved Pineapple, Strawberry
Liked Blue Magic Grass, Cabbage, Carrot, Corn, Cucumber, Eggplant, Eggs, Green Pepper, Milks, Moon Drop Grass, Onion, Pink Cat Grass, Potato, Pumpkin, Red Magic Grass, Spinach, Tomato, Toy Flower, Turnip, Relaxation Tea Leaves
Neutral Other items not listed

Can you have a child with the harvest goddess?

Children. Unlike every other regular candidate, the Harvest Goddess will not be around to help you raise your children. You must have 16 hearts before you can activate the child request event from the Harvest Goddess in which she asks your character about possibly having children.

Can you marry a goddess?

Marriage Requirements. Goddess doesn’t have romantic events that you can unlock, but she does have a lot of marriage requirements. There is one requirement that would prevent you from marrying the Goddess if selected incorrectly.

How do you marry Kappa in Harvest Moon?

Marriage Requirements

  1. Catch at least 1 of every species of fish (including king fish).
  2. Ship at least 1 of every shippable item in the game.
  3. Collect all 9 of the 9 Kappa Jewels.
  4. Max out your house and own the Big Bed.
  5. Dig up every type of item in the Winter Mine.
  6. Dig up every type of item from the Spring Mine.

How long are you pregnant for in story of seasons?

The child will be born 60 days after the date of the pregnancy discovery. The event will take all day. You’ll see a scene with the guy pacing back and forth by the kitchen, while the woman gives birth off-screen. Eventually, the baby will be born, and you can choose an 8-character name for the little fellow.

Can you marry the Harvest Goddess in Harvest Moon?

The Harvest Goddess is one of the special marriage candidates that you can romance, regardless of your gender, in Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town.

What gifts does the harvest goddess like in story of seasons?

Have the Harvest Goddess at a Red Heart Level To achieve this you need to ensure that you need to give her gifts every day to keep raising her friendship level. Her favourite gifts are pineapples and strawberries.

What Harvest Moon games can you marry the Harvest Goddess?

You can marry her in:

  • HM: Friends of Mineral Town.
  • HM: DS.
  • HM: Hero of Leaf Valley.
  • HM: Animal Parade (she appears in Tree of Tranquility as well but isn’t a candidate)

Where to find the Harvest Goddess in Harvest Moon?

To make her appear, go to the pond at the mountain summit and throw a gift into the water. The Harvest Goddess will appear (“Taa daa!”), thank you for your offering, and then return to the water. She doesn’t do much in this version of Harvest Moon.

How many gifts do you give to harvest goddess?

There is a farm degree title relating to the Harvest Goddess called “Gifts to H. Goddess” that keeps track of the number of offerings you’ve tossed into her pond. You’ll earn a rank once you’ve given a total of 50 gifts, 100 gifts, and finally a total of 300 gifts.

When do you get a rank in Harvest Moon?

You’ll earn a rank once you’ve given a total of 50 gifts, 100 gifts, and finally a total of 300 gifts. The rank doesn’t do anything special in your game; it is mainly for bragging rights between your friends.

How many Goddess offerings do you need to get Lou?

Triggered by offering 27 different cooked meals to the Goddess. Player recieves Relaxing Tea Leaves. ‘Repeatable 4 times, after every 27 offerings, until the Goddess Collection is complete.’ Lou is unlocked and will arrive in Mineral Town the following Sunday.