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What do you mean by curriculum?

What do you mean by curriculum?

The term curriculum refers to the lessons and academic content taught in a school or in a specific course or program. An individual teacher’s curriculum, for example, would be the specific learning standards, lessons, assignments, and materials used to organize and teach a particular course.

What are the 3 types of curriculum?

Curriculum is defined: planned learning experiences with intended outcomes while recognizing the importance of possible unintended outcomes. There are three types of curriculum: (1) explicit (stated curriculum), (2) hidden (unofficial curriculum), and (3) absent or null ( excluded curriculum).

What are the 4 types of curriculum?

The following represents the many different types of curriculum used in schools today.

  • Overt, explicit, or written curriculum.
  • Societal curriculum (or social curricula)
  • The hidden or covert curriculum.
  • The null curriculum.
  • Phantom curriculum.
  • Concomitant curriculum.
  • Rhetorical curriculum.
  • Curriculum-in-use.

What does it mean to differentiate the curriculum?

The process of modifying or adapting the curriculum according to the different ability levels of the learners in the classroom. It is a strategy that teachers can use with a view to providing meaningful learning experiences for all learners.

What is curriculum for elementary teacher?

Elementary school teachers usually have one class and they teach their students several different subjects. The curriculum is usually structured around the fundamental subjects of mathematics, science, social studies, language arts, music, art and reading.

What is curriculum and why is it important?

An effective curriculum provides teachers, students, administrators and community stakeholders with a measurable plan and structure for delivering a quality education. The curriculum identifies the learning outcomes, standards and core competencies that students must demonstrate before advancing to the next level.

What are the 7 types of curriculum?

Seven Types of Curriculum

  • Recommended Curriculum.
  • Written Curriculum.
  • Taught Curriculum.
  • Supported Curriculum.
  • Assessed Curriculum.
  • Learned Curriculum.
  • Hidden Curriculum.

What are types of curriculum?

There are three models of curriculum design: subject-centered, learner-centered, and problem-centered design. Subject-centered curriculum design is not student-centered, and the model is less concerned with individual learning styles compared to other forms of curriculum design.

What are the 5 types of curriculum?

The five basic types of curriculum are Traditional, Thematic, Programmed, Classical, and Technological. The most used curriculum can be found within these broader categories.

How does curriculum differ from each other?

Answer: Curriculum is what is taught in schools, instruction is how curriculum is delivered and learning is what knowledge or skill has been acquired (Wiles et al., 2002). Furthermore, curriculum is the content of what is being taught and instruction is the implementation of teaching according academic curriculum.

Why do we need to differentiate curriculum?

Differentiation enables pupils to access the learning. Differentiation demonstrates that the learning is matched to the needs, interests & abilities of the different pupils. Differentiated learning helps pupils understand and apply both content and process in their learning.

What is curriculum Slideshare?

A curriculum is the instructional and the educative programme by following which the pupils achieve their goals, ideals and aspirations of life. It is curriculum through which the general aims of a school education receive concrete expression.