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What do you mean by justify the text?

What do you mean by justify the text?

When you justify text in Word, you give your text straight edges on both sides of the paragraph. Justifying extends each line of your text to the left and right margins. Justifying text might make the last line of text in a paragraph considerably shorter than the other lines.

What is justify text used for?

Justified text is commonly used in printed media such as newspapers, book, leaflets etc where the straight line on each margin can be used successfully to guide the eye across columns of text. Newspapers are a great example of justified text used successfully.

What does it mean for a text to be left justified?

If printed text is left-justified, each line begins at the same distance from the left-hand edge of the page or column.

Is justifying text bad?

Justifying text disrupts that even texture. Even if a page layout program is using subtle letter-spacing, or adjusting the width of the letters – these things, too, will make the texture uneven. So, justified text should really be avoided not just on the web, but whenever possible.

Why is it called justified text?

justified—text is aligned along the left margin, with letter-spacing and word-spacing adjusted so that the text falls flush with both margins, also known as fully justified or full justification; centered—text is aligned to neither the left nor right margin; there is an even gap on each side of each line.

How do you make justified text look good?

Right-click on the text, and click Paragraph. On the Indents and Spacing tab, click the drop-down next to Alignment, and click Justified, OK.

Is it better to justify text?

Compared to left-aligned text, justification gives text a cleaner, more formal look. Justification works by adding white space between the words in each line so all the lines are the same length. This alters the ideal spacing of the font, but in paragraphs of reasonable width it’s usually not distracting.

When should text be justified?

Justified typesetting is when the words at the start and finish of every line in a column of printed text are flush or evenly aligned with the words at the start and finish of all the lines above and below so they form a clean edge down each side of a column of text.

Is Justified text better?

How to write justified text?

Login to your WordPress editor.

  • Select the text you would like to justify.
  • Use the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Alt+J (Windows) or Ctrl+Option+J for (Macintosh)
  • Done,your text will be justified.
  • What is the difference between center text and justified text?

    Centered text is text that is centered between two edges . Justification controls the spacing between words. A justified text increases the space between words to fill the entire line so that it is aligned with both the left and right edges.

    When to justify text?

    Text is said to be justified when it is aligned with both edges. You can choose to justify all text in a paragraph excluding the last line (Justify Left or Justify Right), or you can justify text in a paragraph including the last line (Justify All). When you have only a few characters on the last line,…

    How do you use the word justify in a sentence?

    use “justify” in a sentence. It is important to justify your opinions rather than just saying something without explaining why you feel that way. Do you think that the use of violence is justifiable in order to prevent further violence? Steve was justifiably angry when he found out he had been let go, just so.