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What does a predilection mean?

What does a predilection mean?

predilection, prepossession, prejudice, bias mean an attitude of mind that predisposes one to favor something. predilection implies a strong liking deriving from one’s temperament or experience.

What does predilection mean in the crucible?

Predilection preference. Prodigious extraordinary in bulk, quantity, or degree; great in size; enormous.

What is a predilection site?

pre·di·lec·tion (pred’i-lek’shŭn), An established preference; a site of predilection would be the most likely site occurrance, as for the manifestations of a disease, condition, or parasite.

How do you use the word predilection?

Predilection Sentence Examples He showed a predilection for poetry. He displayed an early predilection for zoology and ornithology, and in later life became a skilled and enthusiastic collector, particularly of African plants and birds. The junkie had a predilection for the more illicit things in life.

Does predilection mean fondness?

While all these words mean “an attitude of mind that predisposes one to favor something,” predilection implies a strong liking deriving from one’s temperament or experience.

How do you remember the word predilection?

Mnemonics (Memory Aids) for predilection predilection = pre + dialect + election; before dialect he has taken the action so we are giving preference to tata company they donot need more talk. 0 0.

How is begrudge used in the crucible?

“Begrudge” and “resent” can be synonymous verbs, and both parts of the definition are used here: Abigail wishes ill upon (resent) her uncle, because she thinks he might allow unwillingly (begrudge) the bed in his house on which she sleeps. They will howl me out of Salem for such corruption in my house.

Who was filled with trepidation in the crucible?

PARRIS, with trepidation—and resentment: I hope you do not mean we go to Satan here!

What part of speech is predilection?

part of speech: noun. definition: an inclination to favor something; partiality or preference. She had always had a predilection for playing classical music and had little interest in jazz.

How do you use predilection in a simple sentence?

Predilection sentence example

  1. He showed a predilection for poetry.
  2. He displayed an early predilection for zoology and ornithology, and in later life became a skilled and enthusiastic collector, particularly of African plants and birds.
  3. The junkie had a predilection for the more illicit things in life.

What is the etymology of predilection?

predilection (n.) “a prepossession of the mind in favor of something,” 1742, from French prédilection (16c.), noun of action from Medieval Latin praedilectus, past participle of prediligere “prefer before others,” from Latin prae “before” (see pre-) + diligere “choose, love” (see diligent).

What does but pray begrudge me not my anger mean?

used in The Crucible. 2 uses. to resent (feel bitterness—usually over unfairness); or to give unwillingly.

What is the meaning of the word predilection?

noun a tendency to think favorably of something in particular; partiality; preference: a predilection for Bach. a predisposition, preference, or bias

What does a predilection for travel prepossession mean?

predilection implies a strong liking deriving from one’s temperament or experience. a predilection for travel prepossession suggests a fixed conception likely to preclude objective judgment of anything counter to it.

What kind of materials do people have a predilection for?

— New York Times, 13 July 2021 Since 2014, Cowan has established a predilection for unexpected materials, like vinyl, feathers, mesh, and sequin, and bold monochromatic numbers, becoming a favourite of celebrities like Lady Gaga, Cardi B, and Beyoncé.

What did Lawrence of Arabia have a predilection for?

While playing this more mature role, it appears that Lawrence developed a predilection for all things boudoir. Some of them might have a predilection for Germany; but such predilection s were subordinate to a stronger feeling. With his usual predilection for fruit, Phil went off and picked a quart of marsh-berries.