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What does aim stand for in radiology?

What does aim stand for in radiology?

American Imaging Management, Inc. (AIM) is a medical management company with national experience in managing the utilization and quality of diagnostic imaging services.

What is the aim of guidelines?

Guidelines are a set of rules Hence, in some circumstances, the purpose guidelines aim to serve is to make adaptable recommendations.

What does aim mean in AIM Specialty Health?

AIM Prior Authorization Program AIM provides required prior authorization review and approvals for select outpatient services.

What is AIM prior authorization?

Prior Authorization Program is a utilization management program that requires providers to request prior authorization for certain services.

What does AIMS stand for?


Acronym Definition
AIMS American Institute of Mathematical Sciences
AIMS Activities Integrating Mathematics and Science (education)
AIMS Apple Internet Mail Server
AIMS Automated Information Management System

What does aim stand for in medical terms?

activity information mapping
Abbreviation for: activity information mapping (Medspeak-UK) advanced informatics in medicine (Medspeak-UK) Annals of Internal Medicine.

What is aim anthem?

AIM Specialty Health® (AIM) recognizes the key role that medical oncology practices play in the delivery of quality cancer care. In collaboration with your patients’ health plan, we are implementing the Anthem Cancer Care Quality Program including enhanced reimbursement* for certain Pathways.

What is the most important guideline?

The objectives of guidelines are to enhance appropriateness of practice, improve quality of cardiovascular care, lead to better patient outcomes, improve cost effectiveness, help authorities to decide on the approval of drugs and devices, and identify areas of research needed.

What does aim stand for in medical?

To help care for those patients, Health Alliance Home Health and Hospice has developed the Advanced Illness Management (AIM) program to provide home-based palliative care and “care-transition management” for patients with advanced chronic disease.

What is aims in medical terms?

Page 1. Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS) – Overview. n The AIMS records the occurrence of tardive dyskinesia (TD) in patients receiving neuroleptic medications. n The AIMS test is used to detect TD and to follow the severity of a patient’s TD over time.

What is an AIM form?

AIM Forms Delivers Critical Operational Information AIM Forms allows plant operators to engage with interactive forms, accessed via AIM Mobile Technology. Using a smart device, simply scan the equipment sign’s QR code, select the appropriate form and begin to document field observations.

What is aim National?

The Alliance for Innovation on Maternal Health (AIM) is a national data-driven maternal safety and quality improvement initiative. AIM works through state and community-based teams to align national, state, and hospital level quality improvement efforts to improve overall maternal health outcomes.

What are the clinical guidelines for radiology ( aim )?

The foundation of our solution platform for specialty benefits management is our clinical appropriateness guidelines. AIM Clinical Appropriateness Guidelines for Radiology are developed through a rigorous process integrating evidence-based literature with expert physician review.

What kind of imaging techniques are used in radiology?

Radiology is the field of medicine that uses imaging techniques (such as X-rays) to diagnose and treat disease.

What does it mean to do medical radiography?

Medical radiography is a broad term that covers several types of studies that require the visualization of the internal parts of the body using x-ray techniques. For the purposes of this page radiography means a technique for generating and recording an x-ray pattern for the purpose of providing the user with a static image (s)

How is radiology used to diagnose and treat disease?