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What does edcom mean?

What does edcom mean?


Acronym Definition
EDCOM Editor and Compiler
EDCOM Education Committee
EDCOM Technical Committee on Control Education (IFAC)

What is edcom all about?

The Congressional Commission on Education Study, popularly known as the EDCOM Report disclosed that enrolment at all levels was 16.5 million as of 1991. Without limiting the natural right of parents to rear their children, elementary education is compulsory for all children of school age.

What are the recommendations of edcom?

Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM) Report (1991): If one year is to be added in the education program, it recommends one of two alternatives: Seven years of elementary education or Five years of secondary education.

What is the Monroe survey?

The Monroe Survey to assess the state of Philippine education in 1925 found among other things that: 1) the public school system was highly centralized and needed to be humanized and made less mechanical; 2) textbooks and materials needed to be adapted to Philippine life; 3) secondary education did not prepare for life …

What is edcom findings?

Findings The EDCOM report in 1991 indicated that high dropout rates especially in the rural areas were significantly marked which was probably caused by inadequacy of preparation among the young children.

What are the two principal reasons given by edcom?

What are then two principal reasons given by EDCOM for the declining quality of Philippine education? (2) The education establishment is poorly managed. (2) The curriculum is crowded. (2) The teachers’ salaries and benefits are not enough.

Why are they called thomasites?

Thomasites. They came aboard the ship “Sheridan.” In August 1901, 600 teachers called Thomasites arrived. Their name derived from the ship they traveled on, the U.S. Army Transport Thomas. The original batch of Thomasites was composed by 365 males and 165 females, who sailed from United States on July 23, 1901.

What are the subjects in PSC exam?

Compulsory Subjects. General Studies – Paper I. General Studies – Paper II. General Hindi.

  • Optional Subjects. Agriculture. Animal Husbandry And Veterinary Science. Botany. Chemistry. Civil Engineering. Commerce. Economics. Electrical Engineering. Geography. Geology. Indian History. Law. Mathematics. Mechanical Engineering. Philosophy.
  • Who can apply for PSC exam?

    What is the eligibility criteria for the Kerala PSC KAS exam?

    Kerala PSC Eligibility
    KAS Exam – Academic Qualification
    Stream-2 Post Minimum Age – 21 Maximum Age – 40 (Candidates who have born in between 02.01.1979 and 01.01.1998)
    Stream-3 Post Must not have completed 50 years of age on the 1st January of the exam year

    What was the result of the EDCOM report?

    The report also showed that the same problems were reported since the Monroe Survey in 1928 up to EDCOM Report of 1991. No significant improvement in the Philippine education is seen for over 65 years. 1. The prioritization of basic education to ensure the then Department of Education, Culture, and Sprots’ (DECS) undivided attention;

    What does EDCOM stand for in the Philippines?

    In the Philippines for instance, EDCOM (Convention of the Rights of the Child, March 8, 2009) cited that between 500-800 child abuse cases are committed by teachers each year, an estimate according to the Child Adolescent Psychiatrists of the Philippines (CAPPI).

    Who are the members of the EDCOM Commission?

    EDCOM stands for the Congressional Commission on Education to Review and Assess Philippine Education. It was created by a Joint Resolution of the Eight Philippine Congress on the 17th of June in 1990. It is composed of five (5) congressmen and five (5) senators, with Chairman headed by the Senate and Co-Chair from the House.

    Who is the head of Effective Development Communication Unit ( EDCOM )?

    Totsie Escobia, head of Effective Development Communication Unit ( Edcom )-Bohol, said some tourists come to the province to see for themselves the impact of the tragedy on the island. The low rate of graduate students finishing their thesis may reflect the graduate education’s mediocrity as revealed in the EDCOM Report (1990).