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What does G4 P3 mean?

What does G4 P3 mean?

Obstetric history: G4, P3, A1 or gravida 4, para 3, abortus 1. When one or more of the numbers is 0, the preferred form is to write out the terms: gravida 2, para 0, abortus 2. G: gravida (number of pregnancies) P: para (number of births of viable offspring) A or Ab: abortus (abortions)

What does g2p1 mean in pregnancy?

The gravida/para/abortus (GPA) system, or sometimes just gravida/para (GP), is one such shorthand. For example, the obstetric history of a woman who has had two pregnancies (both of which resulted in live births) would be noted as G2P2.

What does para 2 mean in pregnancy?

EXAMPLE: On an OB patient’s chart you may see the abbreviations: gravida 3, para 2. This means three pregnancies, two live births. The OB patient, currently pregnant with her third baby, will become a Gravida 3, Para 3 after giving birth.

What does g1 p1 mean?

G1P1 = the woman has had one pregnancy and has delivered once. There can be 4 numbers after the “P” for “para.” The first number is how many term pregnancies. The second number is how many premature babies.

What does G5 P4 mean?

For example, G5, P4, A1 indicate 5. pregnancies, 4 births of viable offspring, and 1 abortion.

What does GP mean in obstetrics?

Your doctor, also known as a general practitioner (GP), is likely to be the first health professional you see when you become pregnant or suspect you may be pregnant. Your GP can talk to you about your options for pregnancy care and the birth.

What is LMP?

The last mentrual period (LMP) refers to the first day (onset of bleeding) of your last menstrual period before falling pregnant. This information is often used to calculate the expected date of delivery for your baby, which in humans is 40 ± 2 weeks from your LMP.

What is the most serious form of toxemia during pregnancy?

Also known as toxemia, preeclampsia is a condition that can develop in the second half of pregnancy — sometimes earlier. It may also develop shortly after delivery. When left untreated, it can turn into eclampsia, the more severe form of the condition.

Do twins count as one birth or two?

If you’re carrying two babies, they are called twins. Three babies that are carried during one pregnancy are called triplets. You can also carry more than three babies at one time (high-order multiples). There are typically more risks linked to a multiple pregnancy than a singleton (carrying only one baby) pregnancy.

What does para1 mean?

Para OR Parity is the number of completed pregnancies beyond 20 weeks gestation (whether viable or nonviable). The number of fetuses delivered does not determine the parity. A woman who has been pregnant once and delivered twins after 20 weeks would be noted to be a Gravid 1 Para 1.