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What does Hypogastric mean in medical terms?

What does Hypogastric mean in medical terms?

Medical Definition of hypogastric 1 : of or relating to the lower median abdominal region hypogastric arteriograms. 2 : relating to or situated along or near the internal iliac arteries or the internal iliac veins hypogastric lymph nodes.

Where is Hypogastric?

The hypogastric plexus is a collection of nerves that is located in front of the fifth lumbar and first sacral vertebral bodies. This means that the plexus is located near the lower part of your abdomen in the upper front of your pelvis.

What’s in the hypogastric region?

The hypogastric region (below the stomach) contains the organs around the pubic bone. These include bladder, part of the sigmoid colon, the anus, and many organs of the reproductive system, such as the uterus and ovaries in females and the prostate in males.

Why is it called Hypogastric?

The hypogastrium (also called the hypogastric region or suprapubic region) is a region of the abdomen located below the umbilical region. The pubis bone constitutes its lower limit. The roots of the word hypogastrium mean “below the stomach”; the roots of suprapubic mean “above the pubic bone”.

What does medially mean?

1 : mean, average. 2a : being or occurring in the middle. b : extending toward the middle especially : lying or extending toward the median axis of the body. 3 : situated between the extremes of initial and final in a word or morpheme. Other Words from medial Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About …

What does the Hypogastric nerve do?

The hypogastric nerve sends signals via the sympathetic nervous system to block bladder contraction and contact the internal urethral sphincter.

What is the superior hypogastric plexus?

The superior hypogastric plexus (SHP) is a bilateral continuation of the paravertebral sympathetic chain with contribution from aortic plexus nerve fibers. The SHP sends out multiple branches to various smaller plexuses supplying sympathetic innervation to all the pelvic viscera except the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

What’s another name for hypogastric artery?

The hypogastric artery, also called the iliac artery, provides blood flow to the organs in your pelvis. You have an abdominal aorta, which is a large artery that travels down into your pelvis, where it splits into your iliac arteries.

What is hypogastric artery ligation?

Hypogastric (internal iliac) artery ligation was pioneered by Howard Kelly for the treatment of intraoperative bleeding from cervical cancer prior to its application in postpartum hemorrhage (PPH). Many studies have reported that hypogastric artery ligation can be life-saving in patients with massive pelvic bleeding.

Is the heart medial to the lungs?

The heart is located within the thoracic cavity, medially between the lungs in the mediastinum. It is about the size of a fist, is broad at the top, and tapers toward the base.

Where does the word hypogastric come from?

French hypogastrique, from hypogastre hypogastric region, from Greek hypogastrion, from hypo- + gastr-, gastēr belly — more at gastric Learn More About hypogastric Time Traveler for hypogastric The first known use of hypogastric was circa 1656

What is the medical definition of hypogastric lymph nodes?

Medical Definition of hypogastric 1 : of or relating to the lower median abdominal region hypogastric arteriograms 2 : relating to or situated along or near the internal iliac arteries or the internal iliac veins hypogastric lymph nodes

What happens when you have a hypogastric plexus block?

What is a hypogastric plexus block? A hypogastric plexus block is a treatment where medications are injected onto a bundle of nerves near the bottom of your spine. When these nerves, called the hypogastric plexus, are blocked, they stop carrying information about pain in your pelvic area.

What kind of hysterectomy do you need for hypogastric?

Two of them needed subtotal hysterectomy, two needed bilateral hypogastric artery ligation and one needed quadruple ligation (both uterine arteries and ovarian arteries).