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What does it mean to be spiritually attracted to someone?

What does it mean to be spiritually attracted to someone?

If you feel like you were drawn towards certain individuals for some reason, then you may have developed a spiritual connection. When you meet someone you are spiritually aligned with, you develop an instant and deep connection with them that is not necessarily romantic.

Can you fall in love with someone’s soul?

Connecting with another’s soul is very special and oftentimes rare. As daunting as it can be, falling in love with (someone’s) soul is just about the very best you can get in this lifetime. I believe we only get one (or maybe two, if we’re lucky) opportunities to fall in love with someone so deeply…a SOUL connection.

What does a soul Bond feel like?

When you’re soul bonded, you can sometimes feel like you know what your partner needs from time to time. For instance, you may have a feeling that your partner’s feeling down during the day, so you send them a pick-me-up text.

What does spiritual love feel like?

When you have a spiritual connection it’s like you can see into someone’s heart and vice versa. The lies go away and honesty takes their place, even on the little things. You just have no desire or inclination to lie to this person, and you can tell they feel the same towards you.

What is soul intimacy?

Intimacy is created when two souls are able to come together. It happens when we travel beyond the physical body and connect with the deepest part of the other person. From this moment on, caresses are no longer directed toward the body. They change focus to different aspects of the other person’s personality.

What happens when someone is attracted to you?

When someone is attracted to you, they subconsciously will try engaging in lots of mutual eye contact. They do this to feel closer to you, and because they are interested in you and what you are saying.

What makes a person attracted to a soul mate?

Gate 59 is the Gate of Sexuality (Intimacy, Fertility, Genetic Strategy). A person with this gate has the sexual energy to bond with a mate in various ways (e.g. pursuer/pursued, bold/shy, bonds made/promiscuous, friend/not, seducer/gigolo or soul mate/aloof).

What are the signs of mutual attraction between people?

Mirroring each other’s movements is one of the signs of unspoken mutual attraction few people know about. A lot of times, this happens unintentionally! Still, it is a tell-tale sign that the attraction is mutual, and you can form a possible connection.

Are there signs of unspoken attraction between people?

This is one of the signs mentioned in the section above. When two people tease one another as adults, that’s a sign of unspoken attraction between two people. This is something that most of us have been told since early childhood. When a boy teases or picks on you, it usually indicates a crush! There is some truth here.