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What does it mean when someone is stomping?

What does it mean when someone is stomping?

1 : to walk with a loud heavy step usually in anger stomped out of the office in a fit. 2 : stamp sense 2 stomped on the brakes. stomp.

What does stomp mean in slang?

(slang) To severely beat someone physically or figuratively. verb. 1.

What does it mean when someone stomps their feet?

to put a foot down on the ground hard and quickly, making a loud noise, often to show anger: The little boy was stomping his foot and refusing to take his medicine.

What does stomping out mean?

1 : to stop or destroy (something bad) They are determined to stomp out corruption. 2 : to stop (something) from burning by stepping on it forcefully with the feet She stomped out her cigarette.

Which is the best dictionary definition of stomping?

Define stomping. stomping synonyms, stomping pronunciation, stomping translation, English dictionary definition of stomping. v. stomped , stomp·ing , stomps v. tr. 1. To bring down forcibly. 2. To bring the foot down onto forcibly. 3. To tread or trample heavily or violently on:… Stomping – definition of stomping by The Free Dictionary

What does curb stomping mean in Urban Dictionary?

During an assualt when a person is forced to bite the cement corner of a sidewalk and is then kicked in the head, trying to break the victim’s jaw, usually fatally. curb stomping. is. unpleasant. Get the curb stomping neck gaiter and mug.

Are there any synonyms for the word Stomp?

Synonyms & Antonyms for stomp. Synonyms: Verb. barge, clump, flog [British], flounder, galumph, lumber, lump, plod, pound, scuff, scuffle, shamble, shuffle, slog, slough, stamp, stumble, stump, tramp, tromp, trudge. Antonyms: Verb.

What does it mean to stomp your feet?

To cause to be dislodged by stomping the feet: stomped the mud off her boots. v.intr. 1. To bring the foot down onto an object or surface forcibly: stomped on the gas pedal.