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What does it mean when someone says de nada?

What does it mean when someone says de nada?

you’re welcome
Definition of de nada : of nothing : you’re welcome.

How do you use nada in Spanish in a sentence?

Here are a few examples of sentences and how to translate them:

  1. No sabemos nada de él. (We do not know anything about him.)
  2. No me gusta nada. (I don’t like anything.)
  3. ¿Por qué no tenemos nada? (Why don’t we have anything?)

What do you reply when someone says de nada?

Thank you. > Gracias. You are welcome. > De nada.

What is Nada short for?


Acronym Definition
NADA National Automobile Dealers Association
NADA New Animal Drug Application
NADA National Anti-Doping Agency (India)
NADA National Alliance for the Development of Archery

What’s another word for nada?

In this page you can discover 16 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for nada, like: nil, naught, nothing, nix, null, aught, cipher, cypher, goose-egg, zero and zilch.

How do you translate your welcome in Spanish?

“Bienvenida” is the literal translation of “welcome” in Spanish. “Bienvenida” is pronounced “bee-en-veh-nee-dah.” Alternately, you can say “recibimiento” or “acogida,” which are synonyms for “welcome” as a noun in Spanish. “Recibimiento” is pronounced “reh-see-bee-mee-en-toh,” and “acogida” is pronounced “ah-koh-hee-dah.”.

What is the meaning of de nada?

“De nada” is a phrase in Spanish meaning you’re welcome, In Italian it is said “ di niente” or “prego” and it is the answer to “Grazie”.

What is de nada in Spanish?

A Quick Overview Of De Nada. ‘De nada’ is Spanish for ‘you’re welcome’, and you always use it when someone say ‘gracias’ (thank-you) to you. The French equivalent is ‘je vous en prie’, and the Italian is simply ‘prego’.

What does Danada mean?

What Does Danada Stand For The meaning of the given name Danada represents seriousness, thought, intuition, intent and wisdom. A very spiritual person who often relies on intuition for decision making. A strong intuition is one of your greatest weapons.