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What does it mean within 6 months?

What does it mean within 6 months?

In six months means after six months in this case. After June.

What does expiration month mean?

The answer is that the expiration date on the manufacturer drug bottle, when listed as a month and year, refers to the last day of the listed month.

What does it mean when it says expiration date?

An expiration date is a date after which a consumable product such as food or medicine should not be used because it may be spoiled, damaged, or ineffective. The term expiration date also refers to the date that a drug patent expires.

How long is 6 months legally?

If you spend a total of more than 183 days in California during any calendar year in any order whatsoever, you don’t get the presumption. The six-month presumption is really a 183-day presumption. Second, you have to be a domiciliary of another state and have a permanent home there (owned or rented).

What does within a month mean?

1. order by. 49. To my ears “within the month” means during the current month, that is by the end of August. “Within a month” gives you a full month from now, so if it is the 17th August today, you must start by 17th September.

Does expiry date really matter?

These dates aren’t required by federal law (though some states require them) and don’t necessarily indicate a product’s safety (with the exception of baby formula). In fact, perishable products are usually safe to consume beyond their “best by” date if they’ve been handled and stored properly.

What happens if you eat expired?

Eating expired foods or foods that are past their best-by date can expose your body to harmful bacteria that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and a fever.

Does expiry date include the month?

What does the ‘expiry date’ mean? The expiry date usually means that you should not take the medicine after the end of the month given. For example, if the expiry date is July 2020, you should not take the medicine after 31 July 2020.

What is within a month?