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What does kia ora koutou?

What does kia ora koutou?

Kia ora kōrua – Hello to two people. Kia ora tātou/kia ora koutou – Hello everyone. Tēnā koutou – Greetings to you (said to three or more people)

How do I learn to speak fluently in Māori?

Raniera Harrison has seven simple tips to help people learn te reo Māori.

  1. Start small. There’s a misconception that we have to learn the most complex of sentence structures and the most elaborate verbs, nouns and adjectives – but that’ll come in due course.
  2. Build your community.
  3. Check your pronunciation.
  4. Challenge yourself.

Is Māori a easy language to learn?

Maori has been named one of the easiest language to learn, and Japanese one of the hardest. In contrast, learning to spell in English is more difficult because words which look like they are pronounced similarly, are completely different, e.g. cough and dough. …

Is Māori a dying language?

A study on endangered languages has shown te reo Māori is on its way towards extinction.

What language is close to Māori?

Yes. Māori is closely related to the language spoken in the Cook Islands (known as Cook Islands Māori or Rarotongan. Many people use Rarotonga to refer to the dialect spoken on the largest island in the Cook Islands group), Tahitian, and other Polynesian languages spoken in Eastern Polynesia.

What are the names of Maori days of the week?

At the time of the first missionaries in New Zealand, Māori used transliterations of the English names for the days of the week. Below is a list of these names which you still may find in some texts: Rāhoroi / Hāterei = Saturday. Notice how the Māori word often sounds similar to its English version. These were the names that were learnt

What do you say when you learn Maori numbers?

7 – whitu; 8 – waru; 9 – iwa; 10 – tekau; Large numbers in Māori. All numbers from 11 will now follow a basic pattern. For example to say twenty-two, simple say rua tekau, which means 20 and then mā rua, Rua tekau mā rua. So all you have to do is learn the numbers from 1 – 10 and then the words for 10, 20, 30, 40 and so on. 11 – tekau mā tahi

How to say Maori greetings in English on RNZ?

Listen to the Māori greetings used on RNZ and read the English translations. 01. Kei te whakarongo mai koe ki Te Reo Irirangi o Aotearoa

When do you add Toko to a Maori number?

Counting in Māori. When counting things (not people) in Māori, you use E before that number (but not joined to it). It is similar to saying “There are”. Toko is added to the beginning of a number when counting less than 10 PEOPLE.