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What does Lade mean in a place name?

What does Lade mean in a place name?

English: topographic name for someone living by a road, path, or watercourse, Middle English lade, lode (Old English (ge)lad). Similar surnames: Wade, Lake, Lande, Lage, Lyde, Glade, Bade, Slade, Lane, Gade.

Why does Britain have such bizarre names?

Roman contributions to British place names come mainly through their Latinisation of pre-Roman names. A Celtic name that had been rendered by earlier Greek visitors as Pretanniké became the Roman Britannia; an ancient name of obscure meaning became Londinium.

What is Anglo Saxon Stoke?

Originally from the Old English ‘stoc’ meaning ‘place’, it came to be used in two special senses, i) a religious place and ii) a secondary settlement (see Roome ISBN 0-7475-0170-X)

Why do places end in Ton?

Ton: This word ending, that remains very familiar today, was used to describe a settlement. A name ending in ton refers to a farmstead or village. Wich, wych or wick: This relates to some sort of specialised farm, and turns up in places like Droitwich, Nantwich, and also the Aldwych in London.

Why are towns called Bury?

Why? The word stands for a fortified place or fortress. As the English settled cities and towns in Connecticut, we got some funky names from the root words of old Anglo Saxon terminology. So if you were on a route with ‘Bury’ towns, you knew it was a secure place according to an article in the Hartford Courant.

What does Wick mean in town name?

Back. Suffix Wich or Wick From Anglo-Saxon Wic. The suffix wich or wick in many of the place-names including Greenwich , Warwick , etc ., comes from the Anglo-Saxon wic meaning a village ; this in turn , states a writer in the Detroit News , is apparently an adaptation of the Latin vicus for village .

Why are places called bottom?

Yes, that word so beloved of the Minions (those animated movie stars, who share a name with a village in Cornwall) and children of all ages, a bottom – in geographical terms – simply derives from the Old English for broad river valley or valley floor.