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What does legal feasibility mean?

What does legal feasibility mean?

 Legal feasibility is the study to know if the proposed project conform the legal and ethical requirements.

What do you mean by feasibility study?

A feasibility study is an analysis that considers all of a project’s relevant factors—including economic, technical, legal, and scheduling considerations—to ascertain the likelihood of completing the project successfully.

What type of study is a feasibility study?

Feasibility study: “Feasibility studies are pieces of research done before a main study to answer the question ‘Can this study be done? ‘ They are used to estimate important parameters that are needed to design the main study”[1]. Data collected would not be analyzed or included in publications.

What is the purpose of legal feasibility?

The main objectives of the legal feasibility analysis are as follows. To avoid, to the extent possible, major problems in the project’s development and implementation, specifying the requirements that need to be considered at subsequent stages of the PPP process.

What is a feasibility study example?

For example, an automobile prototype is a tool for the feasibility study, an experiment on rats to develop a new medicine is a procedure of feasibility analysis, checking the configuration and features before purchasing a laptop resembles feasibility tests.

What are types of feasibility?

There are five types of feasibility study—separate areas that a feasibility study examines, described below.

  • Technical Feasibility. This assessment focuses on the technical resources available to the organization.
  • Economic Feasibility.
  • Legal Feasibility.
  • Operational Feasibility.
  • Scheduling Feasibility.

What are the main objectives of feasibility study?

The main objective of a feasibility study is to determine whether or not a certain plan of action is likely to produce the anticipated result—that is, whether or not it will work, and whether or not it is worth doing economically.

How do you know if a study is feasible?

A feasibility study considers all of the aspects of your project, including the availability of time and capacity, financial and other resources, market demand, as well as technical aspects to enable you to determine if you should take your project idea forward.

What is the definition of a feasibility study?

A feasibility study is an evaluation and analysis of a project or system that somebody has proposed.

What does it mean when something is feasible?

If something is ‘ feasible ,’ it means that we can do it, make it, or achieve it. In other words, it is ‘doable’ and also ‘viable.’ A viable business, for example, is one we expect will make a profit every year for a long time.

When to re-evaluate a project feasibility study?

If the project team is not in a position to define one or more defects for the business problem under consideration, then possibly, the project feasibility study needs to be re-evaluated. Moreover, if the team cannot identify Starting and End points, then such issue has to be addressed on a high priority.

Which is an example of a six sigma project feasibility study?

Potential savings can be identified with a project feasibility study. The hard savings help reduce costs or expenses and result in a financial improvement. The examples of Six Sigma projects, which are hard-savings oriented are EBITDA improvement projects, cost reduction projects, revenue enhancement projects, etc.