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What does loosen up mean slang?

What does loosen up mean slang?

to start to feel less embarrassed and to become more relaxed when you are with other people, or to make someone feel like this: He seemed quite nervous at the beginning, but he soon loosened up.

What do you mean by loosening?

: to make (something) less tight or firm : to make (something) loose or looser. : to become less tight or firm : to become loose or looser. : to become or to cause (something) to become less strict.

What does loosen up a little mean?

intransitive ​informalto relax, or to become less serious. Loosen up a little, will you! Synonyms and related words. To rest, relax or do nothing.

What is another word for loosen up?

What is another word for loosen up?

relax chill out
hang loose wind down
de-stress chill
cool off decompress
rest stay loose

What does it mean when a guy says loosen up?

C2. to start to feel less embarrassed and to become more relaxed when you are with other people, or to make someone feel like this: He seemed quite nervous at the beginning, but he soon loosened up. A gin and tonic will loosen you up. Liberating, relaxing and releasing.

What is the meaning of the phrasal verb loosened up?

phrasal verb. loosen up. ​to relax and stop worrying.

What are loosening exercises?


  • Inhale, lift your arms up at the shoulder level, palms facing downwards.
  • Exhale, bend the knees and bring down your body to the squatting position.
  • In the final position both the arms and thighs should be parallel to the ground.
  • Inhale, and straighten the body.
  • Exhale while bringing down the hands.

How do you spell losen?

Lose is a verb that means “to fail to win, to misplace, or to free oneself from something or someone.” Loose is an adjective that means “not tight.” Only one O distinguishes loose from lose.

What’s the opposite of loosen up?

Opposite of relax after a period of work or tension. agitate. prepare. ready. tangle.

How do you say loosen up?

Additional synonyms

  1. relax,
  2. chill out (slang),
  3. take it easy,
  4. loosen up,
  5. laze,
  6. lighten up (slang),
  7. put your feet up,
  8. hang loose (slang),

How do you loosen up a sentence?

cause to feel relaxed.

  1. Young people often loosen up on the dance floor.
  2. You need to take some exercise to loosen up you muscles.
  3. A massage will loosen up your joints.
  4. Come on, Jo. Loosen up.
  5. Don’t be so nervous loosen up a bit.
  6. Your shoes will loosen up with wear.
  7. Close your eyes.
  8. Loosen up.

How do you use loosen up in a sentence?

Loosen-up sentence example

  1. I’m going to take him for a ride to loosen up .
  2. Over exaggeration is the key here to help the violin bowing fingers and wrist to loosen up .
  3. Play around a bit, taking some fun photos in the beginning to help them loosen up a bit.
  4. Using your hands, carefully loosen up the root ball.