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What does mot mean in Spanish?

What does mot mean in Spanish?

noun abbreviation. (= Ministry of Transport) ≈ Ministerio m de Transportes. Automobiles) (also: MOT test) (= Ministry of Transport test) examen anual de coches obligatorio ⧫ ≈ Inspección f Técnica de Vehículos (Spain) ⧫ ≈ ITV f (Spain)

What is MDP in French?

English translation: MDP [main distribution panel] English abbrevaition used in French (NB: there are other FR uses also!)

What does French word mot mean?

The word mot comes from the French word for “word.” The phrase bon mot literally translates as “good word” and the phrase mot juste translates as “right word.” The first records of the word mot in English referring to a witty remark come from the 1800s. A motto is one kind of mot, and there are many others.

What is prénom in English?

British English: Christian name /ˈkrɪstʃən ˌneɪm/ NOUN. A person’s Christian name is the name given to them when they were born or christened.

Is Date de naissance masculine or feminine?

The French, le nom et la date de naissance, can be broken down into 7 parts:”the (masculine)” (le), “name” (nom), “and” (et), “the (feminine)” (la), “date” (date), “of; from” (de) and “birth” (naissance).

What does the root word MOT mean?

to move
The root words mob and mot come from the Latin, meaning “to move.” move.

What does MOT stand for in occupational therapy?

Master of Occupational Therapy (MOT)

What is nom France?

Nom – this means your family name/ surname and it almost always comes first in France. On formal letters you will often be addressed with your family name first, usually in capitals. Often when you are asked to put your nom and prénom on a form, you put your family name first followed by your surname.

What does Le nom de famille mean in English?

British English: surname /ˈsɜːˌneɪm/ NOUN. Your surname is the name that you share with other members of your family.

Where is Lieu de naissance?

place of birth; birthplace; house of one’s birth.

What is French birth name?

Maiden and married names The French and English-adopted terms née and né (/neɪ/; French: [ne], from French né[e] ‘born’) have been used to indicate maiden or married names. The term née, having feminine grammatical gender, can be used to denote a woman’s surname at birth that has been replaced or changed.

What does MOT mean in motion?

-mot- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning “move. ” It is related to -mov-. This meaning is found in such words as: automobile, automotive, commotion, demote, demotion, emote, emotion, locomotive, motel, motif, motion, motivate, motive, motocross, motor, promote, promotion, remote.