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What does MTF measure?

What does MTF measure?

Modulation Transfer Function or “MTF” is a measurement of the optical performance potential of a lens. A MTF chart plots the contrast and resolution of a lens from the center to its edges against a “perfect” lens that would transmit 100% of the light that passes through it.

What is the relationship between the modulation transfer function and the point spread function?

The modulation transfer function is also related to the point spread function, which is the image of a point source of light (commonly referred to as the Airy disk) from the specimen projected by the microscope objective onto the intermediate image plane.

How is MTF value calculated?

The MTF, or Modulation Transfer Function, is defined as the ratio of the image contrast to the target contrast, expressed as a function of spatial frequency. That is, MTF(u) = C'(u) / C(u). C is the contrast in the target, C’ is the corresponding contrast in the image.

What is modulation transfer function of the optical system?

The Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) is a measure of the ability of an optical system to transfer various levels of detail from object to image. Performance is measured in terms of contrast (degrees of gray), or of modulation, produced for a perfect source of that detail level.

What is MTF in CT scan?

The modulation transfer function (MTF) is the spatial frequency response of an imaging system or a component. It is the contrast at a given spatial frequency relative to low frequencies.

What is CT MTF?

Abstract: The modulation transfer function (MTF) is well known as a crucial parameter in quality assurance of computed tomography (CT) scanners, which provides detailed information of both contrast and resolution of CT images. Different methods have been introduced and developed to calculate the MTF of CT scanners.

What is PSF and MTF?

A point spread function (PSF) or modulation transfer function (MTF) is a measure of how well focused a satellite imaging sensor is. The MTF is simply the normalized Fourier Transform of the PSF. Therefore, when one function is obtained, so is the other. In general, both the PSF and MTF are functions of two dimensions.

What is MTF in radiology?

What is the transfer function of a system?

In engineering, a transfer function (also known as system function or network function) of a system, sub-system, or component is a mathematical function which theoretically models the system’s output for each possible input. They are widely used in electronics and control systems.

What is optical transfer function in image?

The optical transfer function (OTF) of an optical system such as a camera, microscope, human eye, or projector specifies how different spatial frequencies are handled by the system.

What is modulation transfer function in CT?