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What does Mvu mean?

What does Mvu mean?


Acronym Definition
MVU Mobile Video Unit (Vulture Team, National Training Center Ft Irwin, CA, USA)
MVU Mediterranean Virtual University (Eumedis project)
MVU Minimum Variance Unbiased (estimator)
MVU Montevideo Unit (measurement of uterine activity)

What does IMVU stand for slang?

IMVU means “Instant Messaging Virtual Universe.”

What does HSB mean in slang?


Acronym Definition
HSB Hot Stand By
HSB High Speed Buffer
HSB Houston Symphonic Band (Houston, TX)
HSB Harbour Security Boats

What is IUPC in pregnancy?

An intrauterine pressure catheter (IUPC) is a device placed into the amniotic space during labor in order to measure the strength of uterine contractions.

What is a normal Mvu?

Charting frequency remains, if charting every 30 minutes either average the MVU’s or chart a range in the comments section of the uterine activity box. Adequate MVUs are considered to be in the range of: • 200-280 mmHg if the baseline uterine tone is subtracted from the total.

What does IMVU mean in texting?

IMVU. Instant Messenger of Virtual You.

What does RT mean in IMVU?

RT. Round Trip. RT. Retweet (also seen as R/T; Twitter)

What is white in HSB?

In HSB, here’s how we make black and white: Black: set the brightness to 0%. Hue and saturation can be anything. White: set the brightness to 100% and the saturation to 0%. Hue can still be anything.

What does HSB stand for in school?


What does IMYT mean on Snapchat?

IMYT means “I Miss You Too.”

What do you need to know about the mvum?

The MVUM is a black and white map with no topographic features. It is a map for legal designations of where you can travel with various motorized vehicles, but for additional reference it is best used in conjunction with a Forest Visitor Map or other detailed map. Is this map current?

What is the motor vehicle use map ( mvum )?

The Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM) is a requirement of the 2005 Final Travel Management Rule and is a product of the 1997 revision of the Forest Plan and travel management decisions on each ranger district. The MVUM displays National Forest System (NFS) routes (roads and trails) or areas designated as open to motorized travel.

What is the MVU of a uterine contraction?

For example, in a patient with a baseline uterine pressure of 15 mm Hg, and four intrauterine contractions, each of which has a peak pressure of 70 mm Hg, the difference is (70−15 = 55). The sum of these four pressure differences (in this idealized case: MVU = 4 × 55 = 220) is compared to a normal standard.

How is the MVU related to the labor rate?

The sum of these four pressure differences (in this idealized case: MVU = 4 × 55 = 220) is compared to a normal standard. An MVU of > 200 predicts normally progressive labor 90% of the time.