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What does ppm mean in accuracy?

What does ppm mean in accuracy?

parts per million
“Percent,” “parts per million (ppm),” and “parts per billion (ppb)” are terms used in industry and in calibration to describe accuracy or uncertainty specifications in measurement instruments and calibrators. Instruments used for precise measurements all have uncertainty associated with the measurements they provide.

What does ppm mean for frequency?

Oscillators and other frequency control devices specify their frequency variation in units of parts per million (ppm).

What is ppm in total station?

More accurate and less time consuming than traditional methods, GPS surveying encounters fewer distractions that can delay a development project, such as poor weather. The acronym PPM, standing for parts per million, expresses the accuracy of a relative orthometric height used in GPS-aided ground leveling.

What is meant by ppm and ppb?

PPM and PPB are units used in atmospheric chemistry to describe the concentration of gases. PPM stands for parts of gas per million parts of air, and PPB is parts per billion. If that’s not easy to imagine, try these examples: Part per million (ppm):

What is a ppm survey?

Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) surveys are an essential tool that enable building owners/occupiers to proactively maintain, manage and improve their properties over a period of years.

Why do we use ppm?

ppm (or ppmm) is used to measure the concentration of a contaminant in soils and sediments. In that case 1 ppm equals 1 mg of substance per kg of solid (mg/kg). This use of ppm tends to be phased out in favour of mg/l. ppm (or ppmV) is often used to describe concentrations of contaminants in air (as a volume fraction).

What is a ppm unit?

This is an abbreviation for “parts per million” and it also can be expressed as milligrams per liter (mg/L). This measurement is the mass of a chemical or contaminate per unit volume of water. Seeing ppm or mg/L on a lab report means the same thing. This procedure would produce an ink concentration of 1 ppm.

How does total station measure distances?

A total station consists of a theodolite with a built-in distance meter (distancer), and so it can measure angles and distances at the same time. The horizontal distance, the height difference and the coordinates are calculated automatically and all measurements and additional information can be recorded.

What does ppm stand for in pools?

Regardless of how frequently or what system you use to add chlorine to the water, the chlorine level should stay between 1.0 and 3.0 parts per million (ppm) to maintain a healthy pool.

How do you explain ppm?

This is an abbreviation for “parts per million” and it also can be expressed as milligrams per liter (mg/L). This measurement is the mass of a chemical or contaminate per unit volume of water.

What is ppm correction?

PPM correction only means one *exact* thing, namely by what percentage tuning commands are altered to compensate for reference oscillator errors, so PPM can’t mean one thing in one program and something else in another unless one of them is broken.