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What does stereotypically mean?

What does stereotypically mean?

Meaning of stereotypically in English in the way that you would expect someone or something to be, do, behave, etc., even though this idea is often wrong: Brendan is a stereotypically disheveled academic. Stereotypically, Americans are very patriotic. See.

What is stereotype sentence?

an unfair impression that has been developed about a person or race. Examples of Stereotype in a sentence. 1. While many people believe the stereotype all teenagers are lazy, their beliefs are false. 2.

What is a stereotype kid definition?

A stereotype is an idea or belief many people have about a thing or group that is based upon how they look on the outside, which may be untrue or only partly true. Stereotyping people is a type of prejudice because what is on the outside is a small part of who a person is.

Is stereotypic a word?

1. A conventional, formulaic, and oversimplified conception, opinion, or image. 2. One that is regarded as embodying or conforming to a set image or type.

Who is a stereotypical character?

A Stereotypical Character is a familiar type of character whose label identifies a particular group or segment of society.

What’s the opposite to stereotypical?

What is the opposite of stereotypical?

abnormal atypical
untraditional irregular
untypical nontypical
aberrant unique
anomalous odd

Why is it called stereotype?

The term stereotype comes from the French adjective stéréotype and derives from the Greek words στερεός (stereos), “firm, solid” and τύπος (typos), impression, hence “solid impression on one or more ideas/theories.”

How do you use the word stereotype?

Stereotype in a Sentence 🔉

  1. While many people believe the stereotype all teenagers are lazy, their beliefs are false.
  2. Southern racists usually have at least one negative stereotype about most nonwhite populations.
  3. In some areas of France, citizens accept the stereotype of Americans as rude and uncultured people.

What is a stereotyped behavior?

Stereotyped behaviours are well-defined behavioural acts which are repeated over and over again and which seem to be without any apparent adaptive function unlike other behaviours (such as many instinctive acts) which, although often formally very stereotyped in form clearly fulfil an adaptive purpose.

What is stereotyped Behaviour?