Table of Contents
What does the acronym downtime stand for?
Defects Overproduction Waiting Non-utilized talent
You can easily recall the 8 wastes of lean by using the acronym, “DOWNTIME”, which stands for: Defects. Overproduction. Waiting. Non-utilized talent.
What is the acronym for the 8 Wastes?
They are often referred to by the acronym ‘TIMWOOD’. The 8th waste of non-utilized talent or ‘Skills’ of workers was later introduced in the 1990s when the Toyota Production System was adopted in the Western world. As a result, the 8 wastes are commonly referred to as ‘TIMWOODS’.
What does the i stand for in downtime?
I-Inventory. M-Motion. E-Extra-processing.
What is downtime in industrial engineering?
Plant downtime is the period which the plant is off-line and not producing any products or adding value to the business and its customers. It can also be called idle time, downtime, or off line period.
What does M stand for in downtime?
T-Transportation. I-Inventory. M-Motion. E-Extra-processing.
What is process downtime?
Process Downtime Level measures the extent to which an operational process is available and running. Process Downtime Level = (TA t / PPT t) x 100. Where: PPT t is the Planned Productive Time that a process should be available in a given time period t.
What does downtime stand for in lean manufacturing?
The following eight lean manufacturing wastes, mostly derived from the TPS, have a universal application to businesses today. The acronym for the eight wastes is DOWNTIME. Downtime stands for: Mistakes that require additional time, resources, and money to fix.
What are the 8 Deadly Lean wastes of downtime?
The 8 deadly lean wastes – DOWNTIME. 1 D efects. 2 O verproduction. 3 W aiting. 4 N ot utilizing talent. 5 T ransportation. 6 I nventory excess. 7 M otion waste. 8 E xcess processing.
Why do I have so much downtime in my business?
Some causes:: Poor quality controls. Poor repair. Poor documentation. Lack of standards. Weak or missing processes. Misunderstanding customer needs. Uncontrolled inventory levels.